YES (Youth Energizing Societies) - from simulation to action
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YES (Youth Energizing Societies) - from simulation to action
Training Course
25-31 July 2013 | Orahovica, Croatia
YES project focuses on young people as active citizens supporting prevention of human trafficking. The training will gather 40 young people from 5 countries and project will support their work towards developing the Action Plan 2014-2018.
"YES (Youth Energizing Societies) - from simulation to action" is a training activity on prevention of human trafficking gathering 40 young people and youth workers from 5 partner countries from South East Europe and the EU who are active in their communities aiming to provide them with competencies in order to encourage dialogue and mutual understanding according to the ideas of solidarity and respect for human rights through non formal education and raising awareness of prevention of human trafficking in European context. This 6-day camp combines various learning methods such as case studies, panel discussions, trainings and workshops and exchange of practice. During the camp, participants will develop an Action plan 2014-2018 recognizing measures to support prevention of human trafficking in Europe and work on poster design that will be developed and later used by their organizations in a campaign towards raising awareness of this current problem. The project recognizes youth as energizers of societies, involves them in the simulation (camp) and action (community activities) process and therefore makes them active European citizens.
Participants: young people (18-30 years old) already involved and active in youth work on a local, national or international level from Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary and Serbia. These also include youth workers, trainers, youth leaders and project managers. Basic English language knowledge required.
Trainers: young people (18-30 years old) from Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary and Serbia active in youth work, possess a good knowledge about human trafficking, migration, human rights, leadership and/or project management with great interpersonal skills. Creative, driven and well organized individual with good English language knowledge.
Since young people are among the most vulnerable groups when it comes to human trafficking especially in the Balkans, the project want to inform and educate young people about the importance of prevention of trafficking and thus, gain knowledge through prevention workshops to raise awareness of the citizens of this current crime against humanity that violates almost all human rights enumerated in the Declaration of Human Rights. Project is aimed for young people (18-30 years old) primarily because the main method of the training is peer-to-peer education. Methods used in the training are for engaging young people in their communities especially if they are being introduced to the subject of human trafficking but within their organizations where professionals from organization would be their mentors. It also establishes sustainability because young people who are not professionals would be eager to stay longer in their Red Cross and other organizations. In this way project is creating a network of trainers in prevention of human trafficking.
Application form and relevant documents:
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Training overview
This activityhas already happened!
This Training Course is
for 40 participants participants
from Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary, Serbia
Accommodation and meals are covered 100% by the project.
Travel reimbursement is available for 70% of travel costs for train (for participants from Austria and Hungary) and bus (for participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia). Participants coming from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia should arrive to Osijek where a free bus will be arranged for them that will pick them up and drive them to Orahovica.
Participation fee for the whole duration of the Camp:
- €20/person for Category 1 countries: Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia
- €30/person for Category 2 countries: Austria, Hungary
Participation fee is payable upon confirmation of your placement at the training by participants themselves or by their sending organizations.
Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass: