European Training Calendar
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Training Course
3-9 June 2025 | Matera, Italy
The Euro-Mediterranean region boasts a rich and diverse heritage, shaped by centuries of cultural exchange. A melting pot of different languages and traditions, the region shares a heritage and a deep sense of identity and belonging. Today, this legacy continues to inspire our shared values and aspirations, reminding us of the importance of building bridges and fostering understanding between cultures. In this context Link launched its multiannual strategy called "MedEu" and MOV is the first initiative. With the MUV project, we intend to initiate a collaboration process with the countries of the Southern Mediterranean and the Adriatic coast, planning new projects for and with young people. During this PDA, we have decided to focus on the theme of freedom of expression, an essential prerequisite for dialogue to take place.
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This Training Course is
for 20 participants
from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries , Southern Mediterranean countries
, Western Balkan countries
and recommended for
Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Youth policy makers
Working language(s):
Associazione Link (Youth NGO)
Link owns Erasmus+ accreditation.
Contact for questions:
Mino Vicenti
Phone: +393316030491
No participation fee. The costs are fully covered by Erasmus+.
Accommodation and food are provided by the organizers and costs are covered by Erasmus+ program.
Travel reimbursement will be done within 30 working days after the end of the activity, under the condition that participants provide the requested travel documents.