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LGBTI Community Youth Work and Activism

Training Course

12-18 September 2021 | Novi Sad, Serbia

Increasing capacity of 24 youth workers for community youth work, active citizenship and advocacy related to LGBTI* activism; Strengthening cooperation of LGBTI* activists and their organizations through partnership and development of common activities

Across the region, LGBTI* people face different social and personal challenges. At the level of  society, they are faced with social and institutional homo/bi/transphobia, discrimination and violence,  drop out of schools and employment, thus social and economic exclusion is their everyday fear. On  the personal level, they fight with destructive and self-destructive behaviour, low self-esteem, poor  social relations and reluctance to trust and seek support. The LGBTI* youth is in even higher risk due  to adolescence and the developmental process they are going through. Since the LGBTI* youth is  using their own personal experience as a tool in their activism, which makes them extremely  vulnerable, they need further professional development and adequate support. 

The main objectives are: 

1. Increasing capacities of 24 youth workers in the areas of community youth work, active citizenship and advocacy related to LGBTI* activism 

2. Strengthening the cooperation of LGBTI* activists and their respective organizations through  partnership building and development of common activities 

Training course

The working methodology of the training will be based on the principles of non-formal education.  Therefore, experiential learning (learning by doing) and accelerated learning are the main methods  applied throughout the programme, with adequate time allocated for debriefing and reflection  throughout the whole programme. The programme is meant to be intensive and to cover the basis of  LGBTI* community work, youth work and activism. 

Participant profile

∙ activists, leaders, youth workers, coordinators, facilitators and trainers from active NGOs which  have mission and objectives related to human rights of LGBTI* people 

∙ recommended age: 18-30 (but, feel free to apply if you are 30+ too) 

∙ having basic relevant experience that entitles them to easily implement the new approach

∙ interested in LGBTI* activism, community work and youth work 

∙ motivated to act as multipliers in this field 

∙ having good command of English language 

∙ residing of one of the following countries: Croatia, Greece, Italy, North Macedonia and Serbia 

Note: Applications from people residing in countries other than those mentioned above  (regardless if they are nationals of the countires mentioned above) will not be accepted. 

Before you apply, feel free to ask the contact person (mentioned below) any additional questions,  if you are not sure if this training is suitable for your learning and professional needs. 

For more information send us an email, but make sure you have read all the information  presented in the call before addressing a question. 

Aleksa Savić: aleksa@izadji.rs

Apply by sending a filled-out application form (check the downloads section) to the indicated e-mail.

Deadline for application: 16th August 2021


Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 24 participants

from Croatia, Greece, Italy, Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Volunteering mentors, Youth coaches, LGBTI* youth (18-30)

Working language(s):



Group COME OUT (Youth NGO)

Read more about Group COME OUT on www.grupaizadji.rs

Contact for questions:



Phone: +381691994235


Participation fee

No participation fee.

Accommodation and food

100 % costs of board and lodging will be fully covered 

Travel reimbursement

This project is funded by Erasmus+ (KA1) programme of European Commission. According to its  financial rules some of its costs are fully covered, some are not, like the following: 

∙ travel costs will be fully covered (from the country of residence, which has to be on the list  mentioned before; no exceptions allowed), up to certain limits , upon the receipt  of all original tickets and invoices. Maximum ammounts: 275 EUR per paricipant from Greece and Italy; 180 EUR per participant from Croatia and North Macedonia; 20 EUR per participants from Serbia

∙ There is no budget line intended to cover COVID-19 tests and travel insurance; however, part  of the travel costs may be used to cover only the neccessary COVID-19 testing and travel  insurance 

∙ the transport costs will be reimbursed through bank transfer after the training, upon receiving  all documents in original (depending on the documentation provided on spot and the  accounting rules of each country) 

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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