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ICT&SM4CA - Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and social media (SM) for Civil Action (CA)

Training Course

9-16 April 2022 | Hemmersheim, Germany

This is a partnership project for the skills development of participating youth workers/leaders and providing them with competencies of productive use of information and communication technologies and social media tools for civil action.

In Attachment you can find the Info Pack with all the details about the project.

ICT&SM4CA training project was developed based on the key premises: 
- ICT and Social media offer a lot of space for creativity, invention and imagination in developing youth led projects.
- ICT and Social media as a growth industry that can open wide doors for more entrepreneurship careers during and after the outbreak of COVID-19.
- Young people are pioneering in the use of ICT and SM today and can be inspired for more effective and positive outcome of this global platform, in addition that youth leaders might learn how to use ICT and social media to engage young people more systematically.
- Active participation of young people is always in need for new initiatives and creative approaches and ICT and social networks are a great field to be  explored and developed.

The main aim of the project is to develop competencies of youth workers to support active civic participation of young people in community contexts through productive use of ICT and social media tools and methodologies.

The project has two main themes: Active civic participation of young people and ICT & Social media, and its main objectives are:

  • To explore civic participation from participants own experiences, resources and opportunities available to address issues of concern through democratic, civil and civic engagement;
  • Develop, improve and reinforce the digital skills of the youth workers and how to use them in the context of educating youth using non-formal methodologies;
  • Explore possibilities for utilization of ICT& social media for youth activism;  Reflect on non-formal education, its methods and their applicability within ICT sector and social networks;
  • Equip the youth workers and the partner organizations with the mindset and the ability of designing workshops tailored to the specific needs of their target;
  • Develop creative and attractive ways to apply ICT and social media solutions for youth activism, with a special emphasis on civic engagement;
  • Identify local opportunities for community engagement and to design and develop a booklet for use of ICT's and social media in the local contexts.

Available downloads:


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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 29 participants

from Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, Spain

and recommended for

Youth workers, Youth leaders, Volunteering mentors, Youth coaches, Volunteers, Activists

Working language(s):

English language


BREZN E.V. (Youth NGO)

Association BREZN E.V. is created to serve
as a learning group that gathers people with
different backgrounds and professions such as:
young people, youth and sport workers,
entrepreneurs, experts in different topics,
migrants, refugees and of course many young
people in general. Our aim is to be actively involved
in the creation of healthy, educated and active
German and European society.
The purpose of the association is cooperation with
various educational institutions, organizations and
companies to improve the standard of living and
quality of life of the citizens. Introduction of
regulations and strategies for the sustainable use of
the capacities of local communities and municipalities.
Establishing contact and cooperation with young people, associations and networks of organizations at home and abroad to promote the development of citizens, with a special focus on marginalized and underdeveloped countries, improving living conditions and realizing guaranteed human rights. Conducting events and activities for young people and charity.
Promotion of sport as a means of maintaining health and as an opportunity for young people in particular to test and improve their performance.

The purpose of the Organization is achieved in particular through:
- Implementation of youth events and measures, especially educational
- Organizing and participating in sports-related and interdisciplinary
sports and club events,
- Conducting sporting and other events for charitable purposes.

Contact for questions:

Slobodan Antic


Phone: +381628141911


Participation fee

There is no participation fee.

Accommodation and food

Food, accommodation, coffe breaks and local travel costs
(only during the activity program) will be covered
by the grant from the National Agency of Germany
of the Erasmus+ Programme.

Travel reimbursement

Travel expenses: 100% of the actual travel expenses will be reimbursed to the participants by bank transfer after submitting the original travel documents up to the amount and in accordance with the rules specified in the Info Pack.

Specific travel reimbursement amount per participant per country in euros:

  • Germany - 0
  • Serbia - 275
  • North Macedonia - 275
  • Cyprus - 360 
  • Spain - 275
  • Estonia - 275
  • Italy - 275
  • Greece - 275

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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