Do you have little or no experience in planning disability-inclusive youth projects but are willing to give it a try, then this guide is for you!
Engage in Inclusion was developed by the Health & Diverse abilities strand of the Strategic Partnership for Inclusion (SPI) - a multi-annual strategic co-operation between 18 National Agencies for Erasmus+ Youth and the European Solidarity Corps and the SALTO Inclusion & Diversity Resource Centre.
With this guide, we want to contribute to “mainstreaming” disability-inclusion in the EU youth programmes. It aims to support those organisations that do not have much experience with young persons with disabilities in their activities but are interested in working more inclusively.
We hope that Engage in Inclusion! helps you to organise disability-inclusive activities step-by-step. We would love to get your feedback on this guide:
For any comment and suggestion, feel free to contact Hanna Schüßler (SPI strand coordinator) schuessler [at]
Engage in Inclusion (SPI, 2021)
The following downloads are available:
A guide on disability-inclusive European youth projects. (Strategic Partnership for Inclusion, update 2024)
Slovakian translation of the Engage in Inclusion! publication.
Icelandic translation of the Engage in Inclusion! publication.
Estonian translation of the Engage in Inclusion! publication.
Russian translation of the Engage in Inclusion! publication.
French translation of the Engage in Inclusion! publication.
German translation of the Engage in Inclusion! publication.
Polish version - WŁĄCZ SIĘ WE WŁĄCZENIE!
Danish translation of the Engage in Inclusion! publication