East West EVS
Annual Training Course "EastWestEVS" for youth workers and organisations interested in European Voluntary Service (EVS) projects within Youth in Action programme.
TC "EastWestEVS" aims at developing competences of EVS projects coordinators and mentors in cooperation between Programme Countries and EECA region.
Programme elements
* Youth in Action Programme understanding with special focus on cooperation with EECA countries within Action 2 projects (EVS)
* Specificities and technical requirements of cooperation between Programme and EECA countries
* How to find partners and create quality, sustainable partnerships
* How to organize good project within European Voluntary Service, partnership - rights and obligations of partners, mentoring
* Presentation of participants and organisations - Organisations Fair * Future Actions Planning
The objectives are:
• To enhance sustainable partnership building;
• To strengthen organisations’ capacity building;
• To come up with concrete EVS projects ideas;
• Sharing experiences and best practices;
• To experience intercultural dimensions of an EVS project;
• To enhance the partnership building capacities between program and EECA countries
Training overview
This activity has already happened!
This Training Course is
for 26 participants
from Eastern Partnership countries
, Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries 
and recommended for
Youth workers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Mentors and coaches of volunteers
Working language(s):
BG NA YiA & SALTO Eastern Europe and Caucasus Resource Centre. (SALTO Resource Centre)
Board and lodging during the training course for all participants will be provided by organisers - the BG NA YiA.
Flight travel costs of participants from Eastern Europe and Caucasus will be covered fully by organisers on the basis of original tickets and invoices (EECA participants need to cover their insurance as well as visa costs).
Travel costs of participants from Programme Countries could be paid by relevant National Agency on its own principles (please check with your own NA before submitting an application).