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Eurocity Training Course

Training Course

20-27 February 2011 | Adrasan, Antalya, Türkiye

The content of Eurocity training course covers Youth Active Participation, European Citizenship, Action 1.3 Youth Democracy Projects, Cultural Diversity, Globalization/Youth approach on global issues, Social Participation /Inclusion and Youth Policies.
Aims and Objectives of the the training course are: •To share experiences on youth work in different countries •To evaluate YIA programme and create a set of recommendations to whom it may concern. •To analyze the youth policy on national and European level •To discuss youth approach on Global issues such as sustainable development •To understand the concept of “Living Democracy” •To learn useful methods /tools to encourage youngsters for “active participation” and European Citizenship •To deepen the understanding for active participation and how to live it as a way of life •To raise awareness on European Citizenship •To develop qualified Action 1.3 projects •To build partnerships for Action 1.3 projects

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Training overview


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This Training Course is

for 30 participants

from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries

and recommended for

Youth workers, Youth leaders

Working language(s):



NA-Turkey (National Agency)

Contact for questions:

Handan BOYAR

Fax: 00 90 312 409 60 98

Website: http://www.ua.gov.tr


Phone: 00 90 312 409 61 37


Board and lodging costs will be covered by Turkish National Agency. Travelling costs will be covered by the sending National Agency. Please check this issue with the National Agency in your country before applying.
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