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Animation Stop Motion Video

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1. Increasing the visibility and the impact of the project.
2. The volunteers are expressing their creativity.
3. Improving their technical and digital competences.
4. Increasing the level of motivation of the volunteers for the project.
5. Bringing closer EVS and local volunteers (if involved).
6. Approaching the local society with a more attractive and entertaining way.

Description of the tool

1. First step is to decide about the scenario (see "Scenario Building" tool).
2. Then according to the scenario you choose the kind of animation video you will use. It can be drawing animation in paper, figures made by clay, stop motion (a series of photos of people moving), a combination of the above etc.
3. Presentation of the technical information (software and hardware).
4. Getting the material, make the settings and start taking the photos by moving the object slow on the terrain you have chosen.
5. After finishing this procedure you have to edit the video. There are many open source applications/ software for editing a stop motion video. If you have the opportunity to use a professional one you can have more special effects etc. (you don't actually need that especially if you do it with people not so familiar with computers).
The facilitator is explaining the procedure and gives the basic technical information. The procedure is very easy and the volunteers can self manage the production of this video. It is better if the facilitator is there only for help and advice.


  • this video is absolutely fantastic.

    Unknown , 10 October 2008 09:53:20

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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

This tool is for

It can be used as well for individual and group EVS. At the case of the "Group EVS" you can also use this tool for the group building/ dynamics.

and addresses

Anti-Racism, Group Dynamics, Youth Initiatives, Voluntary Service, YOUTH in ACTION (YiA) programme, Intercultural Learning, Personal Development, Gender issues, Youth Democracy projects

Materials needed:

A PC or a laptop (covering the software requirements), digital camera (there is no need of expensive equipment, don't use high definition -HD- cameras as it takes lot of time to edit the video after), a tripod, paper, plasteline or clay, water colours, natural material, scissors, pens etc


It can be 2 days for a small 4-5 minutes video or more. It depends of the project, the outcome you seek for and the duration of the video. Too long procedure may be "tiring".

Behind the tool

The tool was created by


(If you can claim authorship of this tool, please contact !)

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Filaretos Vourkos (on 23 July 2008)

and last modified

17 December 2008

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