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The DIVERSITY newspaper

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1.To help participants get to know each other better, establish openness
2.Encourage creative oral presentations and active listening skills
3.Stimulate awareness on different perspectives related to cultural diversity (In the TC Cultural Diversity it was also used for preparing the participation in the session on "Perceptions of Cultural diversity"-see presentation on this tool)

Description of the tool

The exercise will put participants in pairs to realise a structured interview.

Interviews will then constitute the page of a (huge) newspaper that will be displayed on one of the training room’s walls and read by all participants.

How you create pairs: place little pieces of paper in a bowl (as many as participants on the course), half of them are blank, the others have the first name of half participants written on. Ask each participant to pick one, then to identify who is the person he/she will interview or to wait for somebody to come and interview them (the case of those with blank pieces paper).

Instructions for the interview: each person interviews his/her partner (approx. 15-20 min per person) and writes the answers according to the given outline (see a template bellow).

Then interview-pairs swap roles, so that the interviewer becomes the one that provides information.

Structure for information to collect about the other:
• personal information (name, nationality, place of residence, hobbies etc.)
• education
• where does he/she work (organisation, activities*) and what is his/her occupation (frame trainer role)
• his/her favourite training topic (i.e. ICL, project management, conflict transformation)
• why he/she does youth work
• a personal story illustrating the challenges related to cultural diversity that comes to his/her mind …

If you have time (an extra half an hour) and it is useful for your session/course, each person could orally introduce his/her interview-partner (max. 1 minute each).

The interview papers are stuck on the wall in order to create a big Diversity newspaper. A scotch framing all A3 sheets and a title added gives a nice, cohesive image.

How to motivate the others to read “the newspaper”: give to each participant self-adhesive dots and ask them to stick the dots on the newspaper article that is most appealing to them.

Available downloads:


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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

This tool is for

Max. 30

and addresses


Materials needed:

A3 papers, pens, scotch/blue tack to stick papers on the wall, self-adhesive dots


45 minutes / 1 hour and a half (with oral presentations)

Behind the tool

The tool was created by


(If you can claim authorship of this tool, please contact !)

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Elizabeth Kasa (on 10 November 2004)

and last modified

17 December 2008

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