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Exercise, Energiser, Ice-breaker, Group Building Activity

Soundtrack (Improv Game)

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This is an Improv exercise/game to boost spontaneity, creativity and connection.

Aims of the tool

• to boost spontaneity;
• to boost creativity;
• to boost connection (team-building);
• to warm-up.

Description of the tool

We play 2 basic variants of this game – the 1st one is more appropriate for the solo play format and the 2nd one is a classic short-form performance/game:

1. The extended solo play. In this variant we need 1 actor (volunteer) and 1 random soundtrack. As soon as the actor is on the stage, the soundtrack is being put and played. The task of the actor is to start playing any scene/story using only pantomime (without any words), trying to feel the music and to be in the rhythm, mood and idea of it. In the process, anybody from the audience being inspired with the play or with the music may also join the scene, so in the end we can possibly have the whole picture/story (that’s why we call it “the extended solo play” – we’re always starting with 1 actor and solo play, but in the process anybody may join the play, so it gets what we call the extended solo play).

2. The classic duet play. In this variant we need 2 actors (volunteers) and the set of any soundtracks. The MC/trainer or the audience gives the actors either the location, or the characters to start with and the actors are starting to play a scene. At any moment the actors can be stopped by the MC/trainer with “That’s soundtrack!”, then the random soundtrack from the list is being put and played and the actors now have to proceed with the scene/story using only pantomime (without any words), trying to feel the music and to be in the rhythm, mood and idea of it. Once the music is stopped, the actors continue the scene/story in the normal way until the MC/trainer announces the next soundtrack. The scene goes until the more or less logic ending (see “That’s Rap!”, “Options” for similar activities).


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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

Soundtrack (Improv Game)

This tool addresses

Group Dynamics, Personal Development, Youth Participation

It is recommended for use in:

Youth Exchanges
Training and Networking

Materials needed:

the set of random/any soundtracks


15-30 minutes

Behind the tool

The tool was created by

Vladimir Kozachun

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Vladimir Kozachun (on 11 February 2022)

and last modified

10 January 2022

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