Toolbox — For Training and Youth Work
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A whitepaper on youthwork that has been made as a from consultation process with NGOs, "Recognition of youthwork" T&N course and survey with 146 Youthworkers from 34 European countries. It addresses the challenges of youthworkers and offers solutions.
This whitepaper assesses and addresses the needs of the youth workers and organizations. It also addresses the challenges that they are facing and offers solutions for improving the working conditions for everyone that works in international context across Europe.
Recognizing the importance of youth work and
acting according to the Convention and the Council of Europe’s recommendations, the German grass-roots youth organization “NaturKultur” developed and facilitated a process of assessment and dialogue with youth workers across Europe.
The process was intended to assess their needs
and detect the most common challenges they
face. The outcome of this process is a document
called “Whitepaper on Youthwork”, that describes
the areas of support needed by/for youth
workers across Europe.
The process was consisted of the following steps:
1. Open dialogue about the needs of youth
workers, January – November 2017
2. Training and networking seminar “Recognition
of "Youth work/ers”, May 2018
3. Survey to assess the needs and opinions of
youth workers, August 2018
4. Dissemination and Advocacy of the Whitepaper
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This tool is for
Youth workers, policy makers, NAs, NGOs
and addresses
YOUTH in ACTION (YiA) programme
The tool was created by
Darko Mitevski / NaturKultur e.V.
in the context of
Consultation process with NGOs and NAs, Training and networking course "Recognition of Youthwork/ers", Survey with 146 Youthworkers all over Europe
The tool was published to the Toolbox by
Darko Mitevski (on 4 October 2018)
and last modified
3 October 2018
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