Toolbox — For Training and Youth Work
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Simulation Exercise, Exercise
This workshop was created by Croatian participant of Erasmus+ youth exchange “Let Me Think About It” (2017-3-HR01-KA105-046746) organized by Udruga Studio B. The workshop was held in Nova Gradiška during the YE activity with 36 youngsters.
- To distinguish point of view from dis/agreement
- To explore the topic of online disagreement hierarchy
- To differentiate the responses to the writing and to the writer
- To recognize the most convincing forms of disagreement online
This workshop was inspired by “Disagreement hierarchy” pyramid proposed by Paul Graham in a 2008 essay “How to Disagree” on the topic of online disagreement.
Pyramid classifies seven different levels of disagreement (DH0 Name-calling; DH1 Ad hominem; DH2 Responding to tone; DH3 Contradiction; DH4 Counterargument; DH5 Refutation; DH6 Refuting the central point), where the highest levels of pyramid represent the most convincing forms of disagreement.
Following the logic of the pyramid shape, the lowest levels are actually the most common forms of online disagreement, while the highest forms are rare as they require a lot of effort for forming.
More can be read on: while the DH pyramid can be found among the materials.
This workshop was created by Croatian participant of Erasmus+ youth exchange “Let Me Think About It” (2017-3-HR01-KA105-046746) organized by Udruga Studio B. The workshop was held in Nova Gradiška during the youth exchange activity with 36 youngsters from Croatia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey.
Full description of the tool is available for download.
SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.
This tool is for
People aged 13+ active on social media
and addresses
Intercultural Learning, Personal Development, Conflict Management, Youth Participation
It is recommended for use in:
Youth Exchanges
Training and Networking
Materials needed:
Chairs (forming circle form), pens, markers, articles (printed), pyramid materials (printed), levels of disagreement (printed), tape, post-its, flipchart, colored papers
90 minutes
The tool was created by
Luka Tunjić
in the context of
This workshop was created by Croatian participant of Erasmus+ youth exchange “Let Me Think About It” (2017-3-HR01-KA105-046746) organized by Udruga Studio B.
The tool has been experimented in
The tool was experimented during the youth exchange activity "Let me think about it" with 36 youngsters from Croatia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey.
The tool was published to the Toolbox by
Nikolina Jureković (on 10 August 2018)
and last modified
29 March 2018
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