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Simulation Exercise

Thawing the Freeze

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These Simulation Games is the result of the conference "Simulation Games for Teaching Human Rights and Active Citizenship in Post-Soviet Moldova", in Repblic of Moldova, in March 2012, involving 24 participants from different countries.

Aims of the tool

This simulation addresses a fictitious frozen conflict between Anceps and Tavus, based upon issues common to the post-Soviet space. The setting is a roundtable negotiation between all stakeholders organized due to rapid and unexpected developments that have drawn international attention. All stakeholders have stated that resolution is their goal, but their actual interests vary.

Description of the tool

These Simulation Games is the result of the conference "Simulation Games for Teaching Human Rights and Active Citizenship in Post-Soviet Moldova", in Repblic of Moldova, in March 2012, involving 24 participants from different countries.

This simulation addresses a fictitious frozen conflict between Anceps and Tavus, based upon issues common to the post-Soviet space. The setting is a roundtable negotiation between all stakeholders organized due to rapid and unexpected developments that have drawn international attention. All stakeholders have stated that resolution is their goal, but their actual interests vary.

By the end of the simulation exercise, participants will:
* Acquire knowledge about historical themes of post-Soviet frozen conflicts;
* Explore dynamics of territorial disputes and conflict resolution;
* Develop empathy, critical thinking, and negotiation skills.
These are the basic learning objectives for which this simulation is designed. A variety of additional objectives can be added without altering the content of the simulation in order to suit the educational needs of the context.


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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

This tool addresses

Conflict Management, Eastern Europe and Caucasus, Youth Participation

Materials needed:

* One room to hold all participants comfortably plus additional space for “private conversations” between stakeholders;
* Chairs and tables arranged for formal international negotiations;
* Paper for drafting the Negotiation Resolution;
* Pens;
* Flip chart for debriefing and agenda;
* Placards with delegation names.


3 hours 30 min

Behind the tool

The tool was created by


(If you can claim authorship of this tool, please contact !)

The tool was created in the context of

Conference "Simulation Games for Teaching Human Rights and Active Citizenship in Post-Soviet Moldova", in Repblic of Moldova, March 2012

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Vitalie Cirhana (on 30 March 2016)

and last modified

28 January 2016

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