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Exercise, Group Building Activity

CSR Needs and Contributions Canvas

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An exercise to compare and match business and third sector Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) needs and contributions, based on the Triple Bottom Line approach (people, planet and profit).

Aims of the tool

- To identify needs and contributions from both business and third sector towards CSR practices
- To create cross-sector synergies
- To build cross-sector partnerships

Description of the tool

1.Preparation (10 min):
- Introduce the triple bottom line approach to CSR.
- Distribute 1 canvas to each participant.
2. individual work (10 min):
-Ask participants to fill in the cells according to the sector they belong to in order to describe their needs and contributions.
4. Contact-making (20 min):
- Ask participants to meet participants from the other sector to inquire and collect contributions that meet their needs and vice versa.
- Instruct participants to fill in the central columns of the canvas with the contributions and needs from the other sector.
5. Match-making (30 min):
- Once participants have filled in their own individual canvas, ask them to meet again those that have similar or complementary elements to create work groups.
- Advise them to work on cross-sector synergies to form the groups.
- Give each group an A1-sized sheet to create a large canvas and provide them with post-it notes in two different colors for contributions and needs.
- Pax have to discuss the previous part and write down 1 contribution or need on each post-it note.
- Individual and contact-making phases must be put together in a large canvas in each group.
- Explain to pax that the aim is to share ideas, compare canvas and play with the post-it notes to identify the best matches across sectors.
6. Debriefing (20 min):
- Get the group back in plenary and ask them to present their final canvas.
- Ask them:
+ How could it be turned into a project or activity?
+ How can both sectors benefit from CSR practices in each case?
+ How can external contributions (civil society, Erasmus+, etc.) have an impact on the concept?

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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

CSR Needs and Contributions Canvas

This tool is for

Business and third sector representatives focusing on developing CSR activities/projects together.

and addresses

Youth Initiatives, Networking and Follow-up

It is recommended for use in:

Transnational Youth Initiatives
Strategic Partnerships

Materials needed:

- Canvas A4-size (1 per pax)
- Canvas A1-size (1 per team)
- Post-it notes (2 different colors - contributions and needs)
- pens and markers


90 minutes

Behind the tool

The tool was created by

Juan Ratto-Nielsen (with the valuable feedback of Jana Kukk)

in the context of

the training course "CSR+ Bringing Corporate Social Responsibility & Youth Work together with Erasmus+" - Shokkin Group - Tallinn, Estonia, March 13-20, 2015, as an outcome.

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Juan Ratto-Nielsen (on 21 April 2015)

and last modified

15 April 2015

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