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Telephone Case

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How to learn words of language (french) through a funny game

Aims of the tool

Learning vocabulary through playing

Description of the tool

-In circle the trainer begins with the one on his right. He whispers one word in (french). for example Bonjour .......
- The one receiving the word will whisper it to the next on the right till the last one in the circle.
- at the end , the last one will say the word Loudly.
-The trainer will repeat the word and ask the group all together to repeat it again as well as giving the meaning of it
-After 5-10 words, the trainer asks the group to divide to small groups of 4 person and each group try to create a story from the words used in the circle.
After 15 minutes each group should present the story.


  • "Be Brave: Express Yourself” is a 6 days training course initiated by the YWCA-Beirut and funded by the European Commission.
    The training aims to strengthen freedom of expression and dissemination of the culture of inter-community dialogue among 20 volunteers, youth trainers and youth leaders.

    Rima Kabbarah , 14 February 2014 18:00:59

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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

This tool is for

children and teenagers

and addresses

EuroMed, Intercultural Learning

Materials needed:

- Room
- Chairs.
- Paper.
- Pens.
- Board.


45 minutes

Behind the tool

The tool was created by

Enjy Ali -Denise Khattar

in the context of

Be Brave Express Yourself . Training course Beirut / Lebanon 16/11-21/11/2013.Done as an out come of the t reining. Trainers helped Annan Ibrahim - Zita Szalai

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Annan Mohamed (on 14 February 2014)

and last modified

21 November 2013

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