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Catch me if you can

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raise awareness about concept of prejudice , discover local societies,

Aims of the tool

to raise awareness about concept of prejudice

Description of the tool

divide participants for groups 4-6 for each one
Ask each group to be sure that they have at least camera
3- The task
A - go out to the streets and local markets and the mission is taking pictures for different people , and be sure that each group use correct way to take picture with this people and then get information about this person , like ,( what is his job , his age , etc ,,, ) , encourage them to take different type of people
B - Each group have to take 5 pictures ( the time for this mission 40-60 min ) , be sure that all groups must be in the plenary after that
C - Take 5 min to collect all pictures at laptop to show them by data show
D - The competition title catch me if you can will start when first group start showing their first picture and ask other groups to guess what is this person doing , or his job , or any other question , after that they answer the correct information about him , then next picture, and so on ,
All groups must do the same ,
E - After that we back to be as one circle and start debriefing , ask each group feeling before they get pictures and after , ask all groups about there feelings when they couldn’t guess what is his truth and facts , and about their feelings when they get correct information ,
F - After that make very short summarization about prejudice


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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

This tool is for

youth worker , youth leaders ,

and addresses

EuroMed, Religion

It is recommended for use in:

Action 3.1 (Cooperation with the Neighbouring Partner Countries)
Action 4.3 (Training and Networking)

Materials needed:

camera for each group , laptop , datashow


90 min

Behind the tool

The tool was created by

Raed Gharib

in the context of

breaking taboo , training course in Slovenia

The tool has been experimented in

training course

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

raed ghraib (on 21 March 2013)

and last modified

16 March 2013

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