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Simulation Exercise

The transnational rol play

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This is a role game where youngsters play the different behaviours adopted by the different groups of an empoverished country when a food transnational whose main house is in an enriched country is going to be settled.

Aims of the tool

• Reflex about the consequences that an external actuation may have on economy, society and ecosystems of an impoverished country.
• Analyse the interests that move the different social groups in a country and the conflicts that confrontations among them can lead to.
• Develop the capacity to preview action consequences.
• Stimulate the search of group solutions.

Description of the tool

Participants are divided into similar groups. Each one will assume one of the following roles: Transnational, producers, Government, consumers, ecologist groups, workers and mass media. Each group receives a card with the information about the character and some documents that can be useful to play their role.

The game begins with a TV announcement, read by one of the mass media group, in which they inform about the rumours of the settling of the transnational “Chocoibérica” in Guateguay Republic. The announcement also speaks about the situation the country is going through. From this moment, each group, representing the different characters, must gather and decide the strategy they will follow to make their interests prevail. Mass media will follow what’s going on and inform. They can also act as speakers of the different groups, “publishing” the “press notes” they receive (they will be helped by a monitor, who will also facilitate).
The schedule could be as follows:
• The transnational gathers in secret to discuss whether they are interested in settling in Guateguay Republic. They read their reports and then decide.
• They tell the government their decision.
• The government announces the decision.
• Producers, workers, consumers and ecologists address the government their opinions, worries, suggestions, etc.
• The government establishes direct or indirect conversations with the different groups.

There is no absolute winner, although each group management efficiency can be assessed by the goals reached. To find out this, once negotiations conclude (seem to have stagnated) and the government has reached a definitive decision, mass media will interview the different groups and ask them if they consider satisfactory the decision and why. Obviously, if all of them disagree the big loser will be the government.

To prevent the mess of every group speaking at the same time, the groups will give notes to the mass media, telling their wish to speak. The media (helped by a monitor) will establish the speaking turn.


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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

This tool is for

Between 15 and 40 people. From 14-year-old on.

and addresses

Group Dynamics

Materials needed:

• Instructions.
• Character cards.



Behind the tool

The tool was created by

Youth meeting

in the context of

Asoc. Jóvenes Solidarios

The tool has been experimented in

Your Participation 2 Our Future project

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Monia Izabela Dericks Wisniewska (on 22 October 2012)

and last modified

25 September 2012

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