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In Focus on Media

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Through the discussion and sharing experiences participants increase their understanding of media and media realities.

Aims of the tool

Main aim of the exercise is to develop participant’s knowledge of media and basic media terms and increase their ability of critical thinking and understanding of different media realities. It helps to understand how media messages are created, what the media values are and how information is spread through different communication channels.

Description of the tool

As the first step the participants are asked to mingle around the working space and share their ideas, knowledge by writing down comments, notes and suggestions on several flipcharts that are spread around the working space.
Each flipchart contains different starting questions or quotes connected with media. The questions written down can be adjusted to knowledge of the participants and their professional backgrounds. Following questions can be written down: What are media? What are the different types of media? What are the negative effects of media? How media can contribute to stereotyping and discrimination? Can media make a war? What are the positive effects of media? How media can contribute to creating common understanding in divided communities? How media construct reality? Why some information becomes news and some newer appears in media? Who is gatekeeper when speaking about media world?
After writing down and sharing their ideas and opinions (the participants can also discuss among each other during the exercise) the participants are divided in several working groups. Each working group receives several flipcharts with the notes that were shared and it is asked to prepare presentation in form of advices for youth worker, leaders coming from non-governmental organization which can be used when working with media, when using various media for example for promoting goals of the organization – volunteerism, when fighting against discrimination, stereotypes etc.


  • “Public opinion is everything. With it nothing can fail, Without it nothing can succeed.”

    victoria fadel , 4 April 2012 22:35:55

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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

This tool is for

This exercise can be adjusted to different target groups – to the backgrounds of the participants as their professional experiences.

and addresses

Anti-Racism, Intercultural Learning, Conflict Management, Gender issues

It is recommended for use in:

Action 1.1 (Youth Exchanges)
Action 3.1 (Cooperation with the Neighbouring Partner Countries)

Materials needed:

Flipchart papers, makers, pens, sticky notes


Duration of the exercise can be approximately 90 minutes depends on number of participants and working groups – including starting part 20 minutes, preparing group presentations 20 – 30 minutes, presenting up to 20 minutes and debriefing.

Behind the tool

The tool was created by


(If you can claim authorship of this tool, please contact !)

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Ilona Olehlova (on 3 April 2012)

and last modified

30 March 2012

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