Toolbox — For Training and Youth Work
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to analyse how can YiA be used in the best way to contribute to competences needed for employment and what specific activities are needed in the projects.
[Step 1] Reminder/Presentation of YiA priorities and objectives
[Step 2] Food for thought#1: Sharing good practices from Action 1 – Youth exchanges
•3 organizations present projects
During the presentations main focus is on what competences and how where developed in the particular event?
Buzz groups : how can YIA contribute to development of competences and to combat unemployment?
[Step 3] Food for thought#2: Sharing good practices from Action2 & Action 5.1
• Personal EVS testimony
• Presenting Action 5.1 event: about how to activate local youth municipalities and policies, how city halls can provide more for employment policies on local level
Buzz groups: how can YIA contribute to development of competences and to combat unemployment?
[Step 4] Contribution of YIA to competences of young people: Case study.
In 4 groups participants are working with the same situation and trying to find how particular YiA Action (assigned) can be used to develop competences necessary for employment.
Using one of the tools of Youth in Action [International Youth exchange, Youth initiative, EVS or Action 5] to develop the necessary competences of youngsters to brake-out from unemployment.
• Minority neighbourhood composed of families with migrant background.
• High rate of unemployment.
• Some of youngsters are not in the education programmes, some have problems with alcohol consumption and some behaviour problems.
• Some speak foreign languages, they have a cultural centre and they are politically active (participated in demonstrations and sporadic actions for their rights and basic facilities)
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This tool is for
up to 30
and addresses
Social Inclusion, YOUTH in ACTION (YiA) programme, Peer education, Youth Participation
Materials needed:
anything needed for presentations, beamer.
3*90 min = 270 min
The tool was created by
(If you can claim authorship of this tool, please contact !)
The tool was published to the Toolbox by
Marius Ulozas (on 26 June 2009)
and last modified
26 June 2009
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