Below is a series of helpful manuals in support of (international) Inclusion Projects for socially excluded young people, based on the SALTO Inclusion Training Courses to make methods & resources available to ALL.
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Educational publications in English are not 'accessible' for some youth workers because of the language barrier. If you want to remediate this problem, translate the SALTO Inclusion for All booklets. Some guidelines.
The results of a study that explores the role of youth work and youth-led climate action in the European Union, focusing on how these initiatives engage young people from diverse backgrounds.
A practical guide for youth workers and organisations on implementing interfaith dialogue in their practices.
The communication support tool provides a framework for international groups to work together.
Get started with the inclusion meter and transform your event into an activity where everyone is welcome.
This report presents a collection of inputs gathered during the seminar migration shaping youth work, hosted in Vienna, Austria, 20-23 November 2023.
Inclusion and Diversity Temperature Check tool to assess the inclusion and diversity efforts of your organisation.
This report presents a collection of inputs gathered during the Green Inclusion seminar, hosted in Amersfoort, Netherlands, 15-18 November 2022.
A compass to inclusive international youth work. The best of the SALTO Inclusion & Diversity youth work manuals in one publication.
2022 update, with refreshed content and new looks!
A guide on disability-inclusive European youth projects (Strategic Partnership on Inclusion, 2021)
A guide to diversity management for organisations active in intercultural youth work.
A practical guide to creating inclusion and diversity strategy for National Agencies. The booklet contains ideas on how to make the most of your (limited) resources to have lots of inclusion impact. It's is accompanied by the podcast.
A web platform to help youth workers strengthen and develop their skills for inclusive digital youth work, especially in the context of the EU Youth Programmes (Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps).
Discover innovative and new project ideas and be inspired to develop your own European Solidarity Corps hosting projects for/with young people facing socio-economic obstacles.
This research publication helps anyone working with youth to better understand the NEET issue and how you can effectively respond to the needs of young people in different NEET situations.
A video about cross-sectoral cooperation for young people with fewer opportunities, in order to enable their active involvement and integration in society. (Under the same roof seminar, Romania, 2017)
Europe in Transition consists of a series of think-pieces on diversity and inclusion in contemporary Europe and seeks to encourage and inform dialogue among youth practitioners and youth organisations.
Get theoretical and practical support, information and insights - for youth workers, policy-makers, youth and education practitioners and organisations responding to the risks of radicalisation and extremism.
Value the Difference is a resource pack for youth workers, containing information and tools to engage young people across many topics relating to cultural diversity
An inspirational guide to setting up inclusive & participative 'Strategic Partnerships' in the youth field.
Conflicts, clashes, fights, and misunderstandings all influence young people all around Europe. In this report, you are invited to an overview of the methods, theories, and tools for a better understanding of conflict resolution.
Discover the key findings from a research on social challenges faced by young people in (sub)urban areas. This publication gives an overview of the issues at stake in cities and analysed a variety of urban interventions to extract criteria for success.
Discover the key findings from a research on youth employment and social exclusion. This publication presents success criteria for employment projects for young people with fewer opportunities. (2014 update)
Practical tips and hands-on methods for making most of the Youthpass process. Start using Youthpass with your inclusion group!
Understand youth unemployment and learn to use Youth in Action projects as tools to support the access of young people with fewer opportunities to the labour market. (2010 update)
Make most out of your youth (in action) project. Making Waves takes you on a journey of raising the visibility of your project and it helps you to get your project results out to the people. With lots of practical tips and tricks to get you started. Make Waves - Have Impact! (2010 Update)
Exploring identity and its role in international youth work.
Interfaith Dialogue is not only for ‘religious people’; everybody can participate. This interactive guide will take youth workers on a journey through faith, belief, and how to build projects to encompass different perspectives in your youth & community projects.
Learn to build a positive image for the youngsters with fewer oppurtunities by using (international) youth projects. A booklet full of tips on campaigning and marketing. (2010)
Practical tips and guidelines for inclusion youth workers who are tempted to take young people with fewer opportunities (socio-economic disadvantage) abroad for the first time. (2009 Update)
A practical manual with lots of activities that stimulate your (international) youth work to be more inclusive and reach a more diverse target group. Give it a try. (2008 Update)
Find out how you can set up international mixed-ability projects, in which young people with and without a disability have a meaningful and fun experience together. (2008 Update)
Find out how to set up international projects with young lesbians, gay guys and bisexual youth, or those questioning their sexual orientation. (2008 Update)
Discover how to set up international youth projects with young offenders, ex-offenders and young people at risk of offending or currently in prison. Everybody gets a second chance, No Offence! (2010 update)
Learn how to set up international projects in rural and geographically disadvantaged areas. With information on where to find partners, money, ideas - and how to overcome challenges. (2010 Update)
Discover how to set up international youth projects in disadvantaged (sub)urban areas. With information on where to find partners, money, ideas - and how to overcome challenges (2012 update).
Find out how to empower young ethnic minority women - in an international youth project. With information on specific methods and theories on empowering these girls - and how to overcome challenges.
Find lots of advice, tips and methods from and for youth workers who want to use Youthpass with and for young people with fewer opportunities. (2013 update)
Explore ways in which sports can be used as an educational method in the work with young people with fewer opportunities. With many practical tips and examples. (2006 Reprint)
Learn how a strategic approach can help to improve the quality and impact of your inclusion work. Follow this step-by-step approach to strategy-making - for youth organisations both large and small. (2008)
Here you can find a (non-exhaustive) list of links taking you to some established publications developed by other institutions/organisations in the youth field and beyond: