This is a reference for Annina Kurki

Youth@Work: Youth work as a supporter of entrepreneurial thinking - study visit and partnership building activity

The training activity took place
in Jyväskylä, Finland
organised by FI NA
12.- 16.6.23
Reference person

Ari Huotari

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Aims & objectives

Aim of the Study visit was to get to know good practices on how to support on young people’s entrepreneurship-skills and get inspired from Finnish examples.

Other element of the visit was peer sharing, where Participants were also invited to share their work, practices, and methods related young people’s entrepreneurship-skills. This gave participants opportunity to learn from each other and arena to present their own practices.

Second, as important aim was to encourage participants create and built partnerships and learn how European Youth Programs can be used. Aim was to recognize potential tools from European Youth Programs (Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps) and even perhaps find suitable partners for future projects.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

This study visit was targeted for representatives from NGO´s, municipalities that are working on young people’s entrepreneurship-skills. It was open for participants from youth@work LTA members.

In the end we got totally 23 participants from different EU countries as well from partner regions.

Training methods used & main activities

The activity was based on study visits and key note speakers, but we had sessions also based on group work like pear sharing and market tool. We included young people also to be part of the program, which was highly appreciated element.

Outcomes of the activity

The feedback from participants were positive and they felt inspired and gain some new ideas and methods to transform to their work. Also during the last sessions, where participants were able to generate future project ideas - they indicate more than 10 new project ideas!

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was charge of planning the whole program: contacting the visit places and organizing and running all the session. I was the only facilitator but during the event there were NA officer helping me out.

I worked on this training for 3 days as a full time trainer.

Testimonial of the reference person

Annina is a very good trainer and facilitator. She is easy to work with and very organised and reliable. She can facilitate group processes but she is very good in taking care of individual participants as well. I can recommend her to all kinds of trainings and events for the role of trainer/facilitator.

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