This is a reference for Petr Kantor

Youth + VET = Employability - KA2 Contact Seminar

The training activity took place
in Prague, Czech republic
organised by Dům zahraniční spolupráce

Aims & objectives

Training seminar focused on Cross-sectoral strategic partnerships VET+YOUTH.
- to promote cross sectoral cooperation among both sectors (VET+YOUTH)
- to support new networks
- to build bridges between formal, non-formal and informal learning
- to support quality of strategic partnerships (KA2)
- to find new ways to develop young people's work skills and key competences

- work based learning and youthwork;
- traineeship and work placement;
- international mobility and recognition.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

- NGOs
- social enterprises
- VET schools
- employers
- SMEs
- teachers
- trainers
- youth workers

Latvia, Portugal, Norway, Poland, France, Iceland, United Kingdom, Slovak Republic, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Turkey, Germany, Austria, Sweden, Spain, Czech Republic

Participants were goal oriented and fully participated on programme. They were very well motivated for project cooperation.

Training methods used & main activities

Methodology: non-formal education. Interactive and experiential training course that aims to develop participants´ project development skills.

Outcomes of the activity

- Compendium
- identified challenges of KA2
- 3 thematical workshop (Quality criteria of KA2 - Strategic partnership, Formal and non-formal education, Project management)
- 7 established partnerships
- 7 elaborated/developed project ideas (2 KA1 as a pre-phase of KA2, 1 KA3, 6 KA2)
- support of further networking among the participants

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Shared responsibility of all the activities, with an emphasis on the theoretical part based on inputs on project management and application process.

Providing coaching to people to support them in developing projects.

I worked on this training for 4 days as a full time trainer.

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