This is a reference for Ciobanu Florin

Youth in EDUC[A(c)TION] -KA105-C3FE7F47

The training activity took place
in Alutaguse, Ida-Virumaa, Estonia
organised by Jõhvi Kultuuri- ja Huvikeskus

Aims & objectives

Raise the younger generation’s awareness of the possibilities of studying abroad and get to know better different cultures.
Objectives of the project
Developing intercultural and social dialogue.
Developing international cooperation between young people from different cultural backgrounds.
Young people learn to analyze the situation (by putting themselves to
shoes of others).
Young people will receive information that will expand their opportunities in the future.
Increasing tolerance and understanding among young people.
Information sharing, transferring, etc.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Romania: 4participants+1 leader
Italy:4participants+1 leader
Spain:4participants+1 leader
Portugal:4participants+1 leader
Estonia:4participants+3 leader
Poland:4participants+1 leader
Slovenia:4participants+1 leader

Training methods used & main activities

Nonformal activities: Public Caffe, Debate, team building, etc.

Outcomes of the activity

The main points of the youth exchange are: to allow participants to develop competences, become
aware of socially relevant topics and discover new cultures and their traditions. During the Youth
Exchange, youngsters are going to acquire a great experience and develop knowledge about studying in their homeland and abroad. This kind of information will be spreading out between the participants and their friends/acquaintances, so the young generation will have more information about getting an education. It will also contribute to social inclusion. Life experience sharing between the participants will bring more opportunities in youngster's future. Knowledge is powerful, it can make the whole world open. Through non-formal lectures and workshops, participants are going to develop their languages and communication skills. They'll learn how to express themselves in their mother tongue and in foreign languages. Team building will teach the young generation how to work as a team, try to understand others’ points of view. Also, it's an amazing opportunity to make new friends and
useful connections for the entire life. Some workshops help to escape from the comfort zone and show how it's sometimes important to change the way of working for achieving a goal. Youth
The exchange will improve key competition as well. Participants will explore Estonia and have at least
basic knowledge about our country.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

-Facilitated 10 sessions (starting with the process of knowing each other, till closing the project with a final evaluation.

I worked on this training for 8 days as a full time trainer.

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