This is a reference for Roberto Solinas


The training activity took place
in Targu Jiu
organised by Cecis
May 08-14, 2012

Aims & objectives

The goal of this TC was for the participants to apprehend some skills roughout a non formal apprehension methodology. The goal was to increase the awareness of the participants on the basis that only by knowing Nature can be stimulated which might be an inborn characteristic in human beings: their eco-friendly side/attitude.

More specifically, it was organized a workshop on complex themes as the one about Green Energies, but also recreative games in complete harmony with the environment.
There were organized excursions (also by bicycle), birdwatching and fishing sessions, it was learnt how to grow and maintain a vegetable garden, participants have moments in wich they learnt old man-nature rites in rural area.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

COUNTRY: The 5 eligible countries for this exchange were Poland, Slovakia, Turkey, Romania plus Italy.
The group of participants was composed by 30 young people interested on the topic (6 per Group).

Training methods used & main activities

Brief summary:

· Contact with and knowledge of Nature (technology was used as less as possible);

· Non formal apprehension of the Green Skills and discussion about the important topics;

Outcomes of the activity

The TC was a success, my role was to be trainer and organizer.
This training course was hold in the framework of Youth in Action Programme in Romania to focus on environmental problems ase pollution, soil and surrounding places.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was one of the Trainers during the whole event.
I specifically prepared a workshop about "Environmental Protection and Media"
I supported the other trainers during their workshops.
I was also contributing helping the organizess of the TC.

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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