This is a reference for Marta Gawinek - Dagargulia

Workshop of the civic involvement - evaluation seminar

The training activity took place
in Sudak, Ukraine
organised by Theodor Heuss Kolleg der Robert Bosch Stiftung, Maystenrya Gromadskoi Aktivnosti
Reference person

Magdalena Lapshin

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Aims & objectives

The organisation's goal is to empower young activists to work in their local communities by motivating them to a civic involvement, teaching them professional project management and supporting them (coaching, mentoring, project management trainings) in implementation of their own community projects. The evaluation seminar is the last seminar of the scholarship year. The training/seminar was about reflecting of the whole scholarship programme and the learning process of the participants, who have implemented their own projects through the year. The trainers have shown the evaluation techniques, coached the participants during the evaluation of their projects. The second goal was to show a future perspective to the participants, who were young actitivists, of how they can get involved in their future live. Several programmes were presented. The third main goal was to give the participants new tools which will be helpful in their future work. The fourth main goal was to teach the participants presentation techniques. During the seminar participants have presented the projects they have implemented through the year to a bigger publicity in Simferopol.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The group was 50 people from in total 3 countries: Poland, Ukraine and Belarus. The participants were youth aged 18-26 who are active in their local communities but not necessarily professionals yet. SOme of them were representing NGOs, many were students.

Training methods used & main activities

1. Getting to know each other and learning names: snowball, speed dating, GOrdian knot
2.Teambuilding: aerosculpture out of baloons
3. Discussions: silent round table talk
4. Exchange of experience: caroussel of experience, speed dating
5. Learning new tools: masterclasses
6. Evaluations: sociometrical methods (plus - minus), pizza, moderation cards presentations

Outcomes of the activity

After the training the participants:
- have genuinely evaluated their small projects they have implemented through the year
- have got to know new evaluation techniques and coaching methods
- have got to know various opportunities of how to get involved at different levels (local, national, international, different secots)
- have gained new skills which empowered them in their future project work (i.e. making movies, using music in the seminars, using theatre methods etc.)

At the end of the project a report was written. A documentation of all methods used during the seminar was given to the participants and coordinators. A photo gallery was created.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I have worked as a full time trainer in a 4 people trainer team: 3 Ukrainians and 1 Pole (me). My role was to design the seminar programme using the Berliner modell (goal-content-method), to create a analyse of the participants before the seminar, to prepare activities for each day (energizers, introductions, essential work, to moderate and facilitate the working process, to evaluate the seminar days, to organise meetings with experts, to promote the projects final presentation among local activists, to moderate the trainers team meetings, to report to the organisers, to prepare a seminar documentation of the seminar.

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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