This is a reference for Panayiotis Theodorou

We are All Diverse but Equal, Slovenia

The training activity took place
in Škofja Loka, Slovenia
organised by Misli Naprej with the support of Life Long Learning programme, Grundtvig Action, Workshop
01-07 July 2012
Reference person

Milena (Lazic) Nikolic

(Co- trainer)
If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

Main aims are:
- Empowering learners on how to deal with cultural diversity.
- Supporting learners to use cultural diversity as a tool to discover and work with identity.
- Encouraging learners to work with concrete aspects of cultural diversity and integration of it in lifelong learning concept.
- Foster intercultural learning in learners’ communities of elderly people.

Participants on the workshop will (Objectives):
- Become aware of the importance that influence of culture has on person’s behaviour and identity.
- Recognise and be sensitive for differences that other cultures bring.
- Develop knowledge and competence in key concepts of intercultural learning and life long learning.
- Reflect about the importance, possibilities and obstacles of cultural diversity in everyday life.
- Promote multiplying effect of lifelong learning in local participation.
- Develop an informal network of learners interested in intercultural learning between the EU partner countries.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

18 Adult learners, Members of elderly clubs and NGOs dealing with cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue who were coming from Italy, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Cyprus, Greece, Croatia and Turkey.

Team of trainers:
Panayotis Theodorou, Cyprus
Nina Arnus, Slovenia
Milena Lazic, Serbia

Training methods used & main activities

The training course followed the principles of non-formal education. Working methods were based on experiential and experimental learning such as outdoor activities adapted to the specific needs of the target group (elderly people), ice-breakers, team- building activities, open space methodology, games, discussions, presentations, etc.
Having in mind the target group, the methodology used was adjusted to the basic level of English. Therefore it wasn’t focused on theoretical but practical knowledge on ICL involving and having impact on local community.

Outcomes of the activity

International setting works as an “eye-opener” on couple of levels, meaning that adult learners had the opportunity to learn in a European context, therefore they have developed international awareness and expanded their personal competencies on cultural diversity issues and intercultural dialogue, as well as life long learning concept.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I had a role of a trainer, meaning that I was responsible for design, implementation and evaluation of the training program.

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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