This is a reference for Diana Kovačić

Virtual Facilitation Training (online)

The training activity took place
in online
organised by EBL (Eurodesk Brussels Link)
10.5., 11.5., 19.5.2021.
Reference person

Safi Sabuni

(former Policy and Training Officer / organiser (co-trainer and contact on the behalf of the organiser))
If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

This training was designed to support youth information workers in the field of youth mobility in developing key virtual facilitation skills such as how to create an inclusive virtual environment, how to facilitate discussions and group dynamics, how to engage participants and guide them through the agenda, and more. In three training sessions, they explored key skills, tools and methodology and were provide with the opportunity to practice and receive feedback. Training contributed their competences in delivering various activities and services to targeted groups in an online setting.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Training was delivered for 20 youth (information) workers and specialist from 12 different countries (Spain, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Cyprus, Croatia, Germany, Poland, Ireland, France, UK, Slovakia).

Training methods used & main activities

Intense online training was based on non-formal education methodology and approach designed especially for online setting. Using different combination and dynamic alternation of various methods, programme and trainers delivering it managed to engage participants as much and reach the goals, at the same time demonstrating adaptation of the methods used to deliver different types of online activities for targeted groups in the Eurodesk network. Using vast variety of online tools (virtual whiteboards, quiz and polling apps, social

Outcomes of the activity

Participating in the training, participants became more aware of what makes a virtual environment different from face-to-face trainings. They learned how to apply key facilitation skills within a virtual environment (how to create an inclusive virtual environment, communicate clear guidelines and instructions, group dynamics and management, showing empathy online, active listening and verbal skills to facilitate conversations, consensus-building). Furthermore, they were able to apply tools and methodology suitable for a virtual environment and reflect on their competences and further development as virtual facilitators.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Co-designer of the training and co-facilitator. In collaboration with another trainer I was responsible for preparing the activities, developing working materials and delivering the designed programme as well as the evaluation.

I worked on this training for 3 days as a full time trainer.

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