This is a reference for Maxim Pijevskii

Training of Trainers - THK Facilitators Basic ToT

The training activity took place
in Berlin, Germany
organised by MitOst e.V. Theodor Heuss Kolleg

Aims & objectives

1. To strenghten self-responsible learning: The New Facilitators understand the elements of the THK educational year, reflected on own facilitation & identified steps to learn
2. Strenghten facilitation skills: The New Facilitators can design educational events in teams, learn to prepare and conduct sessions, steer group dynamics, evaluate learn progress and set a cooperative learning climate.
3. Basic field knowledge: The New Facilitators learn about human learning, non-formal education as well as democracy & active citizenship.
4. To show different ways how to and empower to take into consideration individual needs of participants

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

26 participants from 10 countries, inc. Germany, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova

Training methods used & main activities

Presentations, simulations, animation, role plays, study visits, individual work, coaching, theater plays, discussions, visualization, visual facilitation, World Cafe, Open Space, simulation exercise, debates

Outcomes of the activity

26 participants provided with knowledge and skills to plan own educational activities and to facilitate group learning processes. Visual documentation of the training with description of each method are the products of the activity.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Co-facilitation, conduction of sessions is a team of 5 people

I worked on this training for 8 days as a full time trainer.

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