This is a reference for Alexander “Sania” Oleinikov

Training of Trainers in Youth Participation

The training activity took place
in Chubyns'ke, Kyiv region, Ukraine
organised by NGO Miks
5-14 of May 2015

Aims & objectives

The main aim of the project is to strengthen youth participation through improving young leaders and youth workers competences in non-formal education methods.
Young people
• improve participants’ professional skills of holding and facilitating non-formal educational events;
• increase youth participation through non-formal education;
• develop youth-work competences, including youth with fewer opportunities; create a plan for organizations' development in the sphere of youth participation;
• share successful practices of youth projects/educational programs in the sphere of youth participation
• develop initiatives and projects for realization after the training course.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Group: 24 youth leaders and youth activists from Ukraine, Georgia, Latvia, Armenia working in various fields.
Team: 2 LV trainers, 1 UA trainer and coordinator, 1 UA technical staff.

Training methods used & main activities

Program of the training was built on non-formal education practices, including a number of methodologies for personal growth of participants. Young people got to know theoretical approaches of non-formal education through teoretical inputs, groupwork and experience sharing, developing own training sessions, etc. Most notable method was a role-play simulation of a municipality and actors division of a budget according to citizens' propositions, which produced heated discussion.
As a follow-up, participants organized events for local communitiy.

Outcomes of the activity

For many of the participants this was the first international training experience. Received feedback indicated development of understanding of a number of non-formal education and youth participation concepts. Participants were exposed to a number of models, as the Ladder of Participation. Participants expressed willingness to develop projects and events to further youth participation in their countries.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Selection of participants, design of the program and activities, full-time running and supporting activities in the program, commenting on YouthPass learning outcomes.
I worked on this training for 9 days as a full time trainer.

I worked on this training for 9 days as a full time trainer.

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