This is a reference for Alvydas Opulskis

Training – Languages – the Opportunity to Beat Youth Unemployment

The training activity took place
in Kaunas, Lithuania
organised by Asociacija "Aktyvus Jaunimas" (Active Youth Association)
19/09/2015 - 25/09/2015

Aims & objectives

Main objectives were to: 1) acquaint youth workers with the newest language learning methods; 2) teach the unemployed how to learn languages, and get employed or create enterprises using these skills; 3) reveal job opportunities in Europe; 4) Motivate youth to learn a new language. The project also aims to help the participants grow professionally, keep them active, involve them in multi-cultural discussions, develop a number of skills and competences and create new partnerships across Europe.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

24 participants from: Italy, Spain, Romania, Turkey, Greece

Training methods used & main activities

Activities included but were not limited to: interactive workshops, info sessions on the topic, creativity & video making classes (including the actual making of videos), developing new language learning tools & initiatives, pitch challenges, guest speakers, creating vocabularies and much more. The participants also took part in energizers, team-building, cultural evenings, etc.

Outcomes of the activity

Participants of the project learned new methods of learning languages and used them to teach other participants of their mother tongue.
Moreover, participants were introduced to possibilities of getting a job by knowing more than one language and how to search for jobs in Europe.
Furthermore, all countries made workshops where they created their own methods of learning languages.
In the end, this project was a great opportunity to develop team working skills, communication and even digital competences.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was the main trainer who presented the methods for the project and monitor the process of them.

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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