This is a reference for Ozkan UZELLI

Training for Trainers in Human Rights Education

The training activity took place
in Fjerritslev / Denmark
organised by The Danish United Nations Association
4 - 12 January 2012

Aims & objectives

Aim of the training is to raise awareness on Human Rights and providing brief information and experience to young people deailing with Human Rights issues in their organisations.
- To create a positive environment for cooperation.
- To give participants an understanding of background, context and content of the Human Rights and Children's Rights declarations.
- To give participants an understanding of background, context, role and structure of the UN.
- To give the participants an understanding of R2P
- To give the participants a short introduction to EU and especially to the work for Human Rights and external cooperation.
- To give the participants possibility to reflect upon how COMPASS exercises can be used to work with different Human Rights Issue.
- To give the participants positive awareness about each other’s culture
- To give the participants tools to understand a communication
- To give the participants tools to address different learning styles.
- To give the participants an example on local work with HRE
- To introduce the participants to refugees rights.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

19 trainers and youth leaders from Denmark, Poland, Romania, Estonia, Turkey and Croatia

Training methods used & main activities

- Name games, group dynamics and team building exercises
- Small workgroups
- Simulation exercises from COMPASS
- Sharing in reflection groups
- Video presentations
- Mini Model UN
- Discussion in plenary

Outcomes of the activity

- Participants had new info and practical experience
- New partnerships built in between 6 countries
- Participants had new tools and new aproaches to work on human rights in their organisations.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

• Get to know each other
• Energisers
• Group Dynamics and Teambuilding
• Use of simulation games (I conducted simulation exercises from COMPASS like “Access to medicaments”, “To vote, or not to vote”, “Can I come in?” and "Human Rights Bingo"

I worked on this training for 9 days as a full time trainer.

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