This is a reference for Marcin Księżopolski

Training Course Leadership of Youth as a Key to Our Future

The training activity took place
in Zakopane
organised by Association WEST

Aims & objectives

1) Improving of the quality of work with young people and extending its scope by stepping up cooperation at European level;
2) Strengthening contacts between partner organizations operating in their countries on the field of Youth;
3) Promoting educational and professional mobility;
4) Building a sustainable and effective network of international contacts;
5) Conducting motivational activities to intensify the processes and activities for young people in different countries and on the field of European initiatives;
6) Promoting youth initiatives through instruments of non-formal education;
7) Promoting multilingualism as a part which allows us to better understanding of young people from different countries in the world of globalization and the interpenetration of cultures;
8) Strengthening awareness of the essence of cooperation and intercultural and international dialogue;
9) Strengthening the role of youth workers by supporting their conceptual future activities in the implementation stage of the project.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

In the project participated young leaders, active in Youth work through their organisation working on different levels - local, regional and international. Team consists of representatives of 10 countries Croatia, France, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain.

Training methods used & main activities

All of the activities within this project were based on non-formal learning instruments. Among them it is worth to indicate thematic workshops about leadership using outdoor activities and new technologies, simulation exercises based on drama and dealing with challenges, team building exercises, speeches and presentations (organisational, cultural, individual and group), initiating developing own follow-up activities, daily reflections and final evaluation. All activities were prepared within frames of non-formal methodology including Experiential Learning, Intercultural Learning, Holistic Approach, as well as Learning through Challenges.

Outcomes of the activity

1) The creation of a wide network of contacts, which allows to the expansion of international cooperation, especially in the field of working with young people;
2) Enrichment and personal and professional development of participants who are more able to implement future initiatives at the local, national and international levels in better way;
3) Creation in the minds of young people opportunities and effects, which are inherent part of international cooperation, especially in the framework of European Union programs;
4) Propagation of models of youth work within the framework of the exchange of experiences, expertise and good practice which will be enhanced bringing long-term positive results.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Trainers team prepared together set of activities which allowed participants to use their previous experience, skills, attitudes to develop themselves as leaders, motivators, trainers. My responsibility during this project was to stay in contact with all participants, to motivate them before, during and after the Course, as well as prepare and lead sessions about leadership, Youth participation, ways of involving young people in different initiatives, outdoor activities which helped them in understanding the idea of team work, using outdoor for Youth activation, etc. All of the workshops were based on non-formal education instruments.

I worked on this training for 8 days as a full time trainer.

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