This is a reference for Irene Pavlou

Training course for non violent activism

The training activity took place
in Limassol, Cyprus
organised by Friends of the Earth

Aims & objectives

1) Improving participants critical thinking and creativity 2) Learning to think and react as an active European Citizen 3) Respecting the laws and the Environment 4) Acquiring social and civil competence
Since we' have seen that environment it becomes second on the agenda of Europe we wanted to create a training course that will focus on non violent ways for protesting for our believes with no hate speech but passing strong messages to the stakeholders

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The composition of the group were young trainers leaders age 18-35 that have the same concerns and share our values care about environmental issues -. It's important that they will be able to get involved in this training course and communicate in English
The participants came from Bulgaria, Romania, Greece , Sweden , Ireland

Training methods used & main activities

The methods used were non formal Education Techniques such us
Team building, Ice breaking, energizers , debate, brainstorming, simulation exercises role play, open space methodology, group discussions, fishbowl theatrical activities and activities using audiovisual aid.

Outcomes of the activity

During the training course we discussed about the theoretical background of activism in general and more specifically we will indicate environmental issues in Cyprus. In addition, we exchanged ideas for good practices of activism and emphasizing on exploitation, dissemination and visibility of activist actions. We use non formal education techniques such as role plays, debates , simulation games and team building activities in order to inspire the young activists to prepare two activist peaceful non violent actions concerning Cyprus environmental issues. Furthermore, we were trained to use web tools for promoting the actions. Moreover, the workshop included reflection sessions on every action and dissemination through press releases, social media blogs, photos and video.
At the end participants prepared two activism actions- street theater concerning two environmental themes. Each activity was a different aspect of environmental problem and they presented it in public street with huge success.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was in the team of working on the project from the beginning. From the scratch till the end of the program me. We prepared a team of trainers working on the training and the timetable. I was responsible for the first sessions on getting to know each other. Then on debate and simulation activities concerning the environmental issues and the effect on people. I also co-facilitated the training on brainstorming ideas for creating the activist action - street theater.

I worked on this training for 6 days as a full time trainer.

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