This is a reference for Darko Mitevski

Train the trainers - Its up to me 2

The training activity took place
in Diepenau, Germany
organised by NaturKultur e.V.

Aims & objectives

To create capable trainers on site:
o Know-how - To provide the participants with information on how some things are done, why some things are done in particular way, learn things by doing them.
o To show the participants different styles of trainers so they can see different approaches and choose what they like or dont like.
o Improve participants soft skills such as public speaking, presentation skills, debating skills etc
o Provide tools for delivery of workshops – such as simulations, team building games, brainstorming, creating learning environment, creative environment etc
o Provide hard copy materials (guidebooks and written materials)
o Provide coaching and mentoring for participant. It is important to understand which things participants can improve and they realize this with our guidance.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

37 participants in total from 7 countries (Germany, Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Croatia, Estonia and Czech Republic)

Training methods used & main activities

Over 40 different methods were used during the whole project, because the intention was to showcase as many methods and tools as possible so the participants can learn by doing them: simulations, treasure hunts, debates, presentations, learning by doing exercises, personal goal setting, dancing, forum theater and many other.

Outcomes of the activity

We were able to track the growth of the participants from day 1 to day 7 on the project. They were getting feedback from the trainers and could have improved right away. Their evaluations tell about the success of the training since we got 30 evaluations and 25 were rated with maximum grade for overall satisfaction of the training and quality of the program and 4 were graded really good. Average grade was 4.86 from 1 to 5, 5 being the best.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was the agenda manager, running the trainers team, coordinating the trainers and logistics team, development of the sessions and delivery of all sessions.

I worked on this training for 11 days as a full time trainer.

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