This is a reference for Aldo Campanelli

TPP - Keys to Communication and Conflict Management in Youth Work

The training activity took place
in Arcos de Valdevez, Portugal
organised by AgĂȘncia Nacional Erasmus+ Juventude/ Desporto e Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade
Reference person

Diana Cerqueira

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Aims & objectives

The training practice "Keys to Communication and Conflict Management in Youth Work'' was designed in alignment with the principles and frameworks outlined in the European Youth Work Agenda, the Bonn Process, and the Charter of Local Youth Work's output of Europe Goes Local.
The training practice aimed to contribute to the goals and objectives outlined in these frameworks by focusing on enhancing the competences of youth workers in the areas of meaningful communication and effective collaboration within teams.

To increase and explore the vocabulary of emotions and feelings by learning about the mechanisms of emotions and feelings, and discovering techniques, methods, and tools to facilitate and deal with interpersonal and intrapersonal conflicts.
To explore the power of using different types of breaks as a tool for conflict resolution, such as self-reflection time and breaks for self-care, and understand their effectiveness in managing conflicts.
To understand the different attitudes when facing conflicts, both our own and those of others, and develop strategies for effective communication and conflict resolution.
To explore existing tools and approaches that provide a safe space, foster nonviolent communication, and facilitate group dynamics in youth work settings.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The training practice "Keys to Communication and Conflict Management in Youth Work" targeted 30 youth workers involved in local youth work from various countries. The participants were selected by their respective National Agencies working in the youth field. The diversity of backgrounds, experiences, and cultures within the group created a rich learning environment and allowed for cross-cultural exchange and sharing of good practices.
The participants had a range of professional experiences in working with young people, including youth centers, NGOs, community organizations, and local political parties. They brought with them a strong motivation to enhance their skills and competences in communication and conflict management in order to better support the youth they work with.
The training practice aimed to cater to the needs of both experienced youth workers seeking to deepen their knowledge and skills in the field and those newer to the profession who were eager to learn effective strategies for communication and conflict resolution. The diverse backgrounds and experiences of the participants enriched the learning process and provided opportunities for peer learning and networking.
Throughout the training practice, the participants actively engaged in interactive activities, group discussions, and reflective exercises, fostering a collaborative and supportive learning community. The training practice provided a platform for the participants to develop their professional competences, exchange ideas and experiences, and build networks for future collaboration and cooperation in the field of youth work.

Training methods used & main activities

The training practice "Keys to Communication and Conflict Management in Youth Work" utilized a variety of non-formal education methodologies to create an engaging and interactive learning environment. The methodologies employed were based on the principles of non-formal education and aligned with the European Training Strategy (ETS) Framework for Youth Workers. The methods used included:
Graphic Facilitation: The input sessions were delivered using graphic facilitation techniques, where visual elements such as diagrams, drawings, and images were used to enhance understanding and stimulate participant engagement.
Roleplay Games: Roleplay games were incorporated to provide participants with hands-on experiences and practical skills in conflict management and communication. These games allowed participants to actively engage in various conflict scenarios, apply different conflict resolution techniques, and explore the consequences of their actions.
Museum-like Tools: The training practice utilized museum-like tools to provide content and facilitate learning. These tools included interactive displays, exhibits, and artifacts related to communication, emotions, conflict management, and nonviolent communication. Participants were encouraged to explore these tools and reflect on their personal experiences and insights.
The combination of these methodologies aimed to create a dynamic and participatory learning environment that catered to the diverse learning styles and preferences of the participants. By incorporating interactive and experiential approaches, the training practice fostered a deeper understanding and application of the concepts related to communication and conflict management in youth work.

Outcomes of the activity

Many participants found the training to be extremely useful in their personal and professional growth as youth workers. They emphasized the importance of both theoretical input and the interpersonal relationships established during the training. They recognized that true growth happens outside of the comfort zone and felt inspired to apply the lessons learned in their daily lives.
The organization and structure of the training practice were highly praised by the participants. They found it inspiring for their own role as youth workers in their organizations. The topics covered and the interactive methods used during the training left a lasting impact, guiding them in their professional and personal lives. Participants expressed their intention to apply the lessons learned in various contexts, from daily conversations to their overall ways of life.
Participants appreciated the exploration of different dimensions of communication management, conflict resolution, and nonviolent communication. They valued the wealth of useful information provided and the opportunity to gain new tools for their work with youth. The training empowered them with knowledge and skills that they can immediately apply in their practice.
The training practice offered a conducive environment for self-directed learning, allowing participants to engage in educational options through various activities, slow starts, and ends. The diverse group dynamics were well-managed, creating a supportive and enriching learning experience.
Participants expressed their gratitude for the trainers' effective transfer of knowledge and the innovative methods used. They felt equipped with new ideas and activities to engage participants and improve their own practice. The practicality and usability of the tools shared during the training were highly appreciated.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Co-trainer, co-learner

I worked on this training for 4 days as a full time trainer.

Testimonial of the reference person

Aldo is a great teamworker with a high ability to bring role-plays and games to the training that were really appreciated by the participants and the team.

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