This is a reference for Salvi Greco

TOT 7 experience: quality elements in non formal e

The training activity took place
in Lecce, Italy
organised by L'Arcobaleno - società cooperativa sociale
14 - 20 February 2008

Aims & objectives

The main idea of the project “ToT 7 experience: quality elements in non formal education” was to create an international opportunity for youth workers, trainers and NGO’s to share competences/knowledge on non formal education and to find potential partners for future projects/activities in the youth field, under the framework of the “Youth in Action Programme”, in which increase the quality elements in terms of methodologies, management, visibility and recognition of non formal education.
All the guidelines and activities planned, from the preparation till the follow up, have been thought on the base of the objectives that we wanted to achieve, the needs coming from young people that we want to face on and to guarantee the full involvement and the free expression of participants (learner centred) as a on-going process in which all the partners and participants will have a role as much participative as possible using methods of non-formal education (peer education, sharing by experiences, learning by doing and through interaction).
• To share and develop methodologies and competences in the youth work and non formal education among trainers, youth workers and NGO’s coming from different European backgrounds (learning process);
• To start a concrete partnership and work among different European NGO’s in order to plan and realise common future activities within the framework of the European Programmes in the fields of youth policies, intercultural dialogue, European citizenship and inclusion of young people in the social, cultural and democratic life of the European society (bank of future projects);
• To improve and to contribute to a high quality implementation of Youth in Action projects in terms of methodologies, management, visibility, dissemination and exploitation of the project results and recognition of non formal education especially under the framework of the actions 2 (European Voluntary Service) and 4 (Youth Support System);
• To establish the bases for a potential network among the partner organisations in order to make stronger our cooperation in the youth field also in a long term prospective (multiplying capacity building).

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

In the group we had trainers, animators, educators, project coming from 10 different countries and different geocultural areas.
The team of trainers/facilitators was composed by an austrian male trainer, an italian male facilitator and me.

Training methods used & main activities

During the project the activities were realized with icebreaking games, activities on team building, an association fair, group dynamics on intercultural learning working sessions to share methodologies and good practices, one session about recognition of non formal education and Youth in Action Programme, several evaluation moments and two workshops to analyze the links among youth work, personal competences and non formal education quality elements and to plan a coherent partnership with feasible future projects.

Outcomes of the activity

The main results/outcomes of the project was a network among the participants, concrete future project ideas which were put already in database of the newborn nework, and a video about the quality elements in non formal education.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

The project idea was born with the other collegues of the edition 7 of the Salto ToT in the last ToT seminar in Bonn, Germany in July 2008; I was working in developing the project idea/design and as facilitator during the activities with the other trainer Mario Serrao.

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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