This is a reference for Demir Mekic

Theatre of the Oppressed in Digital Space

The training activity took place
in Online
organised by Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst- Macedonia Program
16.11.2020.- 22.11.2020.

Aims & objectives

The purpose of the training was to equip peace-building educators with the skills and knowledge about Theatre of Oppressed techniques in digital space. The need for this kind of training arises with the situation of the COVID19 pandemic when peace-building educations and community work, in general, face challenges. Forum ZFD is oriented on peace- building issues, dialogue and non- violent conflict management, and other issues, by conducting activities in Middle East, Western Balkans, Philipines and Germany.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The target group of the training consisted of peace-building educators from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Kosovo.

Training methods used & main activities

The main method used was Theatre of the Oppressed. Different techniques of this methodology were used like: image theatre, Forum theatre, etc. The methodology was adjusted to the digital setting.

Outcomes of the activity

One of the outputs of the training was manual for peace-building educators "Theatre of the Oppressed in Digital Space". Also, the e-course was made, in order to help educators to use this method in their work.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

As a part of a team of trainers, I was in charge of designing the training, materials for the e-course as well as of designing the Manual.

I worked on this training for 5 days days as a full time trainer.

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