This is a reference for Annina Kurki

The 5th European EGL Event

The training activity took place
in Stockholm, Sweden
organised by JINT vzw
Reference person

Judit Balogh

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Aims & objectives

The 5th European EGL Event brought together 170 participants and it followed the tradition of the first three conferences, when national working group members, European, national and local key stakeholders met to discuss crucial issues of local youth work and to brainstorm about how the Europe Goes Local network could contribute to develop quality and create bridges between different actors for the benefit of youth work and young people.

Similarly to the first conference, the 5th EGL event in Stockholm focused on strengthening national cooperation, emphasizing the role of national and local stakeholders in developing local youth work, using European tools, policies and frameworks.

The conference was also an occasion to showcase good practices.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The 5th European EGL Event brought together 170 participants: national working group members, European, national and local key stakeholders from different European countries and Partner Regions.

Training methods used & main activities

During the conferences we used groups discussions, Key note speakers, moderated panel discussion and Pro-Action space and peer-learning sessions.

Outcomes of the activity

The outcome of the activity was positive - during the days good conversations, sharing of good practices and peer learning and food for future plans was created. The overall feed back from organizers were positive.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

The team composed of 3 facilitators and 2 research reporters and the supporting team from EGL. Together with the team we created the flow and facilitated the event.

I worked on this training for 3 days as a full time trainer.

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