This is a reference for Alvydas Opulskis

Take Initiative to Rock Your Careers

The training activity took place
in Kaunas, Lithuania
organised by Asociacija "Aktyvus Jaunimas" (Active Youth Association)
25/05/2015 - 02/06/2015

Aims & objectives

The aim of the project was to encourage youth to be more active in the society. The following objectives were set: 1) broaden the knowledge of youth workers and unemployed youth about the opportunities of volunteering, social actions, NGOs and entrepreneurship through NFE methods; 2) teach youth workers how to coach and motivate unemployed youth to act proactively, guide them and get them involved in various youth actions, as well as the labor market.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

24 participants from: Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovenia

Training methods used & main activities

Project activities included but were not limited to: 1) interactive workshops; 2) challenges in the public (red paper clip); 3) video evenings; 4) pub quizzes; 5) guest speakers from the relevant fields; 6) visit to a co-working space; 6) video filming and making; 7) making the e-booklet; 8) social initiatives' pitch challenge; 9) creating project t-shirts and photo-wall; 10) energisers, team-building; and 11) cultural and other activities.

Outcomes of the activity

During the project a number of social experiments/initiatives were carried out by the participants. The filmed ones may be found at our Gallery page. Additionally, the participating youth and youth workers learned and generated NFE methods for youth involvement in the society as well as the labor market. These ideas along with other interesting material will be presented in our Blog (partly), as well as the E-booklet compiled by the participants.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was the main trainer who presented the methods for the project and monitor the process of the them.

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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