This is a reference for Linda Ulane

Story Within

The training activity took place
in Kazdanga, Latvia
organised by Radi Vidi Pats
Reference person

Inese Minsi

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Aims & objectives

The objectives of the training course was:
- to explore new approaches in coaching, mentoring and training within youth field by introducing the participants with creative writing and storytelling methods;

- to help youth workers recognise the symptoms of burnout syndrome and learn how to prevent it;

- to offer members of vulnerable groups and communities tools of storytelling and creative writing to express themselves and their identity to the outside world in a way that raises understanding, solidarity
and respect.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

There were three trainers: Linda Ulane, Inese Priedite (Minsi), Ramon Martensen.

The activity gathered 28 youth workers from Latvia, Portugal, Italy, Greece, North Macedonia, Romania,
Slovenia, Spain, Hungary, Iceland, Croatia, Czech Republic and Austria.

Training methods used & main activities

The programme had five main thematic blocks: getting to know each other and creating a free and supportive space for participants keeping in mind the sensitive
topic; creativity and its therapeutic value; storytelling; embodied writing; networking and developing action plans for further work.

Outcomes of the activity

The main outcome was that participants were introduced to a range of creative methods related to writing, storytelling, embodiment, theater that can be used with youth that are not able/accustomed to express them just in talking. Besides that the youth workers became more aware of burn-out syndrome, they're more able to recognize the symptoms, therefore do the prevention work.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Story Within was the first training course that I also planned, wrote and managed from A to Z. As a trainer I was charge for creative writing part of methodology and the questions related to youth with fewer opportunities.

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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