This is a reference for Filip Gábor

Starship Project

The training activity took place
in O Grove, Spain
organised by Ticket to Europe
24 February - March 3 2023
Reference person

Olalla González

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Aims & objectives

The training aimed to develop leadership competencies essential for taking up a group leader's role through an experiential learning approach with non-formal learning sessions. The objectives included building knowledge and understanding of the group leader's role, equipping participants with practical tools for facilitation, providing space for practice, and planning future cooperation activities. It addressed the need for gaining practical knowledge on various aspects of youth leadership and the role of a group leader, practice in facilitation, and the need for quality feedback and guided self-assessment​​.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The training targeted a diverse group, including participants from Spain, Estonia, Italy, Romania, Latvia, Portugal, the Czech Republic, and Croatia. These participants were from different European programs focusing on assisting youngsters, promoting competences and careers, and organizing educational events. The profile included certified youth workers, passionate youth leaders, individuals interested in raising their competences as leaders and facilitators, and ultimately group leaders at youth exchanges.

The team consisted of trainers and facilitators from Czechia, Estonia and Spain.

Training methods used & main activities

The training utilized a variety of non-formal learning methods, including group building and cooperation methods like ice-breaking games and improvisational theatre, non-formal learning methods such as simulation games and case studies, personal development methods like self-assessment exercises, and group dynamics activities. Other methods included cooperation activities like project fish-tanks and learning mapping methods like personal diaries and morning fresh-ups. These methods were participatory and learner-centered, focusing on experience and group works, discussions, problem-solving exercises, and other activities​​.

Outcomes of the activity

The project impacted participants, organizations, and target groups of youth at multiple levels. Participants gained personal and professional growth, became more aware of the group leader's role, developed skills in facilitating and managing groups, and established international bonds for future cooperation. Organizations increased their capacity to be quality partners in youth exchange projects, developed motivated and skilled members, and improved the quality of their youth exchange projects. The project also impacted young people through follow-up work on local and international levels, as the competence set gained by participants was transferred to various activities and workshops they led. The impact was measured using personal evaluation forms and a follow-up impact measurement form sent to partners and participants after the training course​​.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was one of the full-time trainers in charge of preparing, delivering, and analyzing the training course in cooperation with my colleagues. My responsibilities included preparing, delivering, and analyzing the training course programme.

I worked on this training for 8 days as a full time trainer.

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