This is a reference for Kostas Simitopoulos

Spread the Word, Feel the World

The training activity took place
in Edessa
organised by Youthnet Hellas

Aims & objectives

32 people from 6 European countries participated in this program. The topic was the study and analyzing of untranslatable words in each language of every represented country. The main aim of the program was intercultural understanding and learning amongst participants and to familiarize them with different cultures and cultural elements of participating countries, with the help of unique words that are existent in each language.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The project “Spread the Word, Feel the World” was organised by Youthnet Hellas in the town of Edessa, in cooperation with 5 partner organisations from Bulgaria, Estonia, Italy, Poland and Spain. It was a multilateral program that brought together 32 participants from 6 different countries of Europe, with an aim to utilize the cultural elements hidden behind unique words of languages in order to facilitate the dialogue on cultural diversity and promote intercultural exchange, active European citizenship and social inclusion.

Training methods used & main activities

Group work, Role playing, Storytelling, Simulation, Games, Questions & answers, Group discussion, Brainstorming, Presentations.

Outcomes of the activity

The participants presented the untranslatable words of their countries, explained their meaning and participated in various workshops and activities concerning this topic. The workshops, conversations and activities were conducted in the frame of non-formal and informal learning, with modern educational methods, interactive approaches and active participation of all participants. A “Handbook of Unique Words”, which contains all the words that were discussed and analyzed with their explanations and illustrations, was created by the participants at the end of the program.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was one of the two full-time trainers of the program, facilitating the learning activities throughout the project.

I worked on this training for 6 days as a full time trainer.

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