This is a reference for Natali Kenkadze

Social Entrepreneurship - Tool for Youth Work

The training activity took place
in Bratislava, Slovakia
organised by ZK IMA Pčolka
23-29 October, 2015

Aims & objectives

• To empower young people raising their self-esteem and stimulating their creativity and sense of entrepreneurship;
• To identify participants’ perspectives about social entrepreneurship in their own social contexts;
• To extend participants’ knowledge about initiative, innovation and creativity and their effect on social work;
• To help participants to reach enterprising qualities that can be used for the public good;
• To encourage the participants to link social work and entrepreneurship as a means of working towards the public good;
• To encourage the participants to become the main actor of sustainable change within their own organization/ community;
• Develop the networking potential of partner organisations and build partnerships that would increase the understanding of the concept of social entrepreneurship and innovation.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Practitioners coming from various fields working with young people with a diverse background (youth workers, youth leaders, coaches, young social entrepreneurs, employment counselors, etc.) with an interest/ experience in social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial learning, above the age of 20, with the good level of English language and commitment to the project, coming from organizations that can:
 Act as a multiplier reproducing the tools and new knowledge that will be facilitated in the project;
 Have experience in Social Entrepreneurship OR are planning to involve;
 Have social innovative ideas that have the potential to solve a problem and create sustainable future;
 Have drive, ambition and interest to use social entrepreneurship to implement a social project.

Training methods used & main activities

The project METHODOLOGY is based on non-formal education (NFE) methods, valorizing the knowledge and experiences of the participants. NFE - as a mean of facilitating the learning process and increase the interactivity of the training: Peer to peer education or learning through experience, meaning that practical workshops and individual experiences will be most of the time the starting point for reflection.

Outcomes of the activity

1. Knowledge about:
• General information about Social Entrepreneurship, its origins and evolution around the world
• Main characteristics, benefits, values and factors for success of social entrepreneurship
• Modern conditions and specific aspects of Social Entrepreneurship in different European and EECA countries
• National and European resources for social enterprise creation and sustainability
• Extending knowledge about initiative, innovation and creativity and their effect on social work
• Information about the participant countries, their cultures, traditions, cuisines, everyday life, etc.
• Methods of non-formal and in-formal education
• Information about ERASMUS+ programme

2. Skills:
• Developing new entrepreneurial competences for Social Entrepreneurship and youth work
• Reaching enterprising qualities that can be used for the public good
• Putting in practice the ideas, experience, enthusiasm and developing the concrete concepts of social entrepreneurship
• Developing innovative methodology to create a sustainable social enterprise model
• Realizing their creative ideas and initiatives in real life
• Assist others development by sharing own experiences
• Project management skills
• Improving communication skills
• Social skills and relating more easily with other people
• Working in international and intercultural teams
• Leadership skills
• Building employability or human capital
• Improving understanding and speaking in English language
• Improving other language skills
• To spread the messages in a big public and to have real impact
• Developing the networking of potential partner organisations and build partnerships that would increase the understanding of the concept of social entrepreneurship and innovation.

3. Awareness, attitudes:
• Discovering new way of employability and new perspectives for youth work
• Raising self-esteem and stimulating the creativity and sense of entrepreneurship
• Identifying participants’ perspectives about social entrepreneurship in their own social contexts
• Curiosity towards innovation
• Practicing and experimenting new tools for youth work
• Linking social work and entrepreneurship as a means of working towards the public good
• Develop the creativity and sense of initiative
• Develop Entrepreneurial spirit of young participants
• Develop themselves as more active European citizens
• Become more tolerant towards diversity
• Become more self-confident
• Improving self-awareness, self-knowledge
• Becoming more open-minded
• Stimulating the participants to become the main actor of sustainable change within their own organization/ community.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Co-trainer together with the trainer from Germany

I worked on this training for 6 days as a full time trainer.

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