This is a reference for Linda Ulane

So Long And Thanks For All The Fish

The training activity took place
in Brežice, Slovenia
organised by Cirkus La Bulle / Association CIK
Reference person

Marco Marinelli

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Aims & objectives

The aim of this training course was to explore how the Clowning attitude can be used to create more inclusive youth work. Participants got in touch with the concept of Failure and Success in relation to psychoemotional wellbeing, with the attitude of a clown, connecting this point of view with youth work, facilitation and training.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The group consisted of 24 people from Estonia, Latvia, Czech Republic, Serbia, Slovenia, France, Spain, Italy, Belgium and Turkey. The participants were youth workers from youth centres, circus schools, creative NGOs, schools and municipalities. The core team consists of two trainers- Linda Ulane from Latvia and Marco Marinelli from Italy, supported by representatives of hosting organisation.

Training methods used & main activities

This training was shaped with the non-formal education approach, with group dynamics and creative activities that promotes active participation during the training course. The process is based in experiential learning, also giving some theoretical input and space for individual/group reflection.

Creative methodologies such as Clowning, Failing, Participatory and social Theatre were used to dig deeper in the topics of this training course;

An extra attention was paid to create a safe (enough) space where every participant can feel free to express their ideas and proposal.

The learning process is shared among individual participants, the group of participants and the trainers. The program is flexible and sensitive to the participant’s needs;

Outcomes of the activity

According to in presence and online evaluation of the participants as well as monitoring the process some highlights of the outcomes are:
+Improved psychoemotionally well being of participants;
+Participants equipped with tools to support psychoemotional well being in their communities;
+Participants equipped with tools from clowning world to create lightness in their work with youth;
+Participants encouraged to fail and let their communities fail in a safe way as opposition to the stressful culture of performance;
+Strengthened network of organisations that use creative tools in their work.
+Circus promoted as a healthy alternative tool in the youth field.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

+ Communication with organizers;
+ Shaping the objectives of the training course according to the strategy of hosting organisation;
+ In companionship with partner trainer to create and facilitate the program according the set objectives and the needs of participants;
+ Evaluate the experience and write parts of the report accordingly.

I worked on this training for 6 days as a full time trainer.

Testimonial of the reference person

The Experience with Linda as been overall satisfying in terms of what participants received and the cooperation we had during the training. I want to highlight her capacity to open and hold spaces with lightness, understanding, and no judgment. As colleague, I felt supported and trusted in the proposal I made, giving me a safe space where to do my work.
Her expertise in non-formal education methodology has been fundamental to link the theatrical-creative work with the dimension of youthwork, making the learning process tangible for participants, giving them the chance to see their process and development.

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