This is a reference for Hristescu Costin Adrian

Smart Project Management

The training activity took place
in Bucharest, Romania
organised by Organizatia Tinerilor cu Initiativa
28.03.2011 - 06.04.2011

Aims & objectives

“Smart Project Management” was a training course which, as the title suggests, aimed at building the capacity of youth organizations in the field of project management where, as observed by several of the actors involved in the youth work (e.g. NGOs, youth programmes responsible, beneficiaries), there was a lack of knowledge which lead to lower quality projects and, as consequence, in a decreased impact on the targeted youth.
The training aimed at helping the participants learn how to better define and plan a project (starting from the problem that is trying to solve and correlating it with its objectives, strategies, expected results and activities) and how to plan and manage resources using the modern tools that are now widely available but not promoted.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The target group of the project was represented by 18 youth workers from Romania, Turkiye, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Estonia, Latvia, Slovenia and Poland.

Training methods used & main activities

The training methods used were:
- Role-plays - where the participants simulated real life situations
- Brainstorming - for choosing the best solution to a given problem
- Simulations - to put in practice skills that they just acquired
- Lectures - to get information on new topics
- Fishbowl
- Buzzgroup

Outcomes of the activity

By participating in the course, the youth workers learned how to:
- identify the needs of the community they are working with
- design projects that address these needs
- evaluate these projects
- manage the resources of the project by using on-line tools (e.g. ProjectPier)

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was main trainer in the team, assisted by another Romanian and Turkish co-trainers. I was the one to define the methodology that was supposed to be used and also worked with the others on tailoring the sessions so they would fit the needs of the participants

I worked on this training for 10 days as a full time trainer.

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