This is a reference for Nebojsa Nick Djeric

Sing Equality – Bring Equality

The training activity took place
in Novi Sad, Serbia
organised by Gay Straight Alliance
from 14 to 21 March 2011

Aims & objectives

International training course, Youth in Action project (Action 3.1) by name "Sing Equality – Bring Equality" was held from 14 to 21 March 2011 in Novi Sad, Serbia.

Training course was about fighting discrimination and social exclusion of the LGBT population through music and video production.

The main theme were: fighting discrimination, homophobia and violence through music and video art (participants used a song and recorded the vocals and music video).

Objectives of training course were:
- to promote anti-discrimination on every level, particularly on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity;
- to promote tolerance and equality among different cultures, nationalities, ethnic backgrounds, and promote the sense of European citizenship and solidarity;
- to promote young people’s active participation in society and social inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities, especially the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth;
- to increase knowledge of music and video art as a tool in fighting discrimination, homophobia, hate speech and violence;
- to promote non-violence as the only acceptable method of communication and of resolving conflict.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Target group on this training course were primarily LGBT youth and activists, but also all people who were interested to be actively involved in working with LGBT youth (youth workers, youth leaders, NGO activists).

The participants on training course had some basic previous knowledge in LGBT rights and equality, in fighting discrimination and homophobia, in music and video production, and in exploring how to use them as a method in their youth work and social activism.

The countries involved in the project were: Serbia, Israel, Turkey, Italy, Albania, Macedonia, Hungary, Montenegro, Croatia and Georgia.
Total number of participants was: 27

Training methods used & main activities

Training activities that trainers used in this training course were combination of informal learning and non-formal education methods.

The working methods of this training course were name games, energizers, team building games, different educative workshops and exercises that are promoting social inclusion and discussions on topics related to the fight against discrimination and exclusion: multiculturality and multilingualism, use of non-violent methods for making a statement and using art to spread the message of tolerance, non-discrimination and equality of all people as the basis of democratic societies, social inclusion and the empowerment of LGBT youth.

All these activities had the aim to promote solidarity, cooperation, and creativity in youth work and in fighting discrimination, violence and social exclusion.

Practical workshop activities were: choosing the song to record (out of three original songs written specifically for this project), writing lyrics for the song in their own native languages, recording vocals in a music studio, and creating a music video by recording in- and outdoors in the City of Novi Sad and its vicinity.

Outcomes of the activity

Learning impact: during the course, the participants became able to develop their existing skills and knowledge, through non-formal learning methods (workshops, round tables, team work, outdoor activities), about LGBT and human rights activism, and especially about using creative artistic tools in combatting discrimination and violence. At the end of the 8-day training, the participants produced a product – song and music video – with the message that they wanted to send out to the world, the message of tolerance, non-discrimination, equality, and solidarity.

Song and music video created by participants:

More info on:

More photos on:

Training course supported by European Commission and Youth in Action Programme and organized by Gay Straight Alliance

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

My role was trainer. In this training course, two trainers from Serbia were included. Trainers worked on promoting social inclusion of the LGBT population and promoting tolerance and equality among different cultures, nationalities, ethnic backgrounds.

Also, I was responsible for presentation/promotion of Youth in Action Programme and workshops about writing project proposals for future cooperation between participants.

I worked on this training for 8 days as a full time trainer.

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