This is a reference for Ieva Grundsteine

Seminar/study visit "Intercultural Dialogue - RE-Started!"

The training activity took place
in Beirut, Lebanon
organised by Amel Association
22-30 October 2016

Aims & objectives

The main AIM of this seminar is to gather 24 youth workers from 5 European and 4 Southern Mediterranean countries in order to find effective tools of the youth work for intercultural dialogue and respecting diversity at the local level that would be countering the spreading of hate and violent ideologies among youth.

CONTENTS of the seminar:
- Sharing realities from our countries when it comes to dealing with growing hate and living together in diversity
- Exploring the phenomenon of radicalization, violent ideologies and hate from theoretical point of view
- Discussing the role and potential of youth work to counter them with promoting positive values - Sharing good practices for promoting diversity
- Discovering local realities by implementing activities with groups of young women and refugees in Lebanon
- Planning and implementing concrete follow-up activities at local level with young people that counter hate and violent ideologies

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Core team (organizers and trainers): Estonia, Latvia, Lebanon and Jordan

Participants: Apart from these 4 countries, additionally we also had participants from Tunisia, Morocco, Bulgaria, Greece and Italy

Training methods used & main activities

- Theory inputs
- Work in groups
- Discussions
- Sharing of experiences, good practices, opinions...
- Some "classics" of ICL: Albatross culture, Step forward
- Interacting with locals (interactive city tasks with emphasis on intercultural dialogue)
- Study visits
- Work on follow-up activities

Outcomes of the activity

- Increased ICL competences and greater understanding
- Developed tools and ideas on how to counter hate and violent ideologies and to promote diversity
- Increased motivation and level of readiness to act as multiplier of intercultural dialogue in their youth work and community
- 15 implemented follow-up activities

Blog: blog:

FB page gathering people that support the idea of Diversity “Humans of Diversity”:

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Project initiator and "connector" between partners and full-time trainer

I worked on this training for 7 full days days as a full time trainer.

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