This is a reference for Michael Scheuchenegger

Seminar 'Outdoor Activities for Inclusion'

The training activity took place
in Kuusamo, Finland
organised by Oivanki Outdoor Education Centre
7-13 December 2019
Reference person

Päivärinta Panu

(organiser, facilitator)
If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

"Outdoor Activities for inclusion" is a multi-stage project that aims to expand the use of outdoor activities as a tool supporting inclusion in youth work.

The objectives of the project are:
To acquire and improve competencies for using outdoor activities as a tool for inclusion in youth work
To acquire and improve competences on empathizing and defining the needs of target groups
To acquire and improve competences on developing, prototyping and testing outdoor activities supporting the inclusion in local communities
To acquire and improve competences on involving youth in developing Erasmus+ projects supporting inclusion through outdoor activities
To develop and disseminate a toolbox of outdoor games and activities supporting the inclusion

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

29 youth/social workers, trainers, youth leaders, educators, facilitators and nature tour guides from Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Finland, France, Italy, Russian Federation, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine

Training methods used & main activities

The project structured in learning by doing and self experiential way. Which means applicable, transferable, nature-based and action-oriented working for all of the activity days.
During the Seminar participants were able to reflect the lessons learned during the local implementation stage, to dive deeper into Erasmus programme, project development and writing, project management, development of Toolbox and planning of dissemination actions.

Outcomes of the activity

Improved competencies of 29 youth/social workers, trainers, youth leaders, educators, facilitators and nature tour guides.
The Toolbox which contains outdoors games and activities developed during the Training Course, and 17 national games/activities from participating countries.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I worked as a full-time trainer for 7 days, together with my colleague Vitalii Volodchenko. My role was to develop and implement the program of the training course based on non-formal education methods and needs of participants.
Next to this my main focus was on sharing methods and knowlendge about mindfulness and adventure therapy based methods.
Also several inputs about "what is outdoor and how to generate an experiental lerning path".

I worked on this training for 5 days as a full time trainer.

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