This is a reference for Bengü Ergin Balta

School Without Walls

The training activity took place
in Antalya & Turkey
organised by EGUSAD
30 July 2021 - 7 August 2021
Reference person

Ahmet Öncel

If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

School Without Walls is an experiential and adventure-based approach within a non-formal educational context. The project aims to contribute to the personal and social development of youngsters and youth workers, raising public awareness about healthy life and fixing the broken relations with nature. On the other hand, the project aims to promote and disseminate technical and educational practices in the field of outdoor activities and education in nature. The project focus on nature education and nature will be used as a laboratory. The participants will have a chance to work in an intercultural atmosphere and learn different languages.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The target group of the activity are youngsters, youth workers, volunteers, trainers and instructors. Partner countries that were involved in the project: Turkey, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, Portugal, Spain.

Training methods used & main activities

School Without Walls is a nonformal education-based training course. Team building, experiential learning, simulations, skills for being alive in nature alone(how to find clean water, how to make fire etc)outdoor training tools, creative material designing, nature as a school, intercultural nights, education in nature guide

Outcomes of the activity

The training was a success for intercultural exchange and experience sharing. Participants had the opportunity to experience new methods and possibilities for education in nature. They learned and practised the essentials of surviving the challenges in nature. They prepared a guide to be published about "Games and Nature". (Will be published soon in the Erasmus + database

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was one of the trainers who were responsible for organising the training days and leading the energisers, the day starting, team building, ice breaking, etc. exercises and interpreting for the local trainers based on building up survival skills.

I worked on this training for 9 days days as a full time trainer.

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