This is a reference for Syrine Rekhis

SALTO Youth Participation Forum

The training activity took place
in Estonia
organised by SALTO PI and Estonian NA
Oct 31st-Nov 4th
Reference person

Rodrigo Vilarinho

(Facilitators' team member)
If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

Increase cooperation and strengthen youth participation in Europe
-Reflect on the concept of “meaningful youth participation” and how to support it
-Dissemination of innovative and quality practices of meaningful youth participation inside and outside of Youth Work
-Raising awareness about resources, tools and activities that enhance and foster youth participation

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

60 Participants from more than 10 EU countries, with different profiles: NA representatives, Youth work activists, Researchers.

Training methods used & main activities

The forum was based on non formal education tools, we can enumerate: speed dating, small working groups, Open space, role play..
We, as facilitators team, worked on making a balance between interactive sessions and interactive discussions after formal presentations

Outcomes of the activity

The forum was indeed a success.
It helped the participants enhance their understanding of participation, reflect and discuss it from different perspectives and using different tools. They got introduced to the Salto Youth ParticipationStrategy. The forum was also an opportunity for youth work activists to learn more about the EU institutions and work, directly connect and build potential collaborations.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was a Junior Trainer in the Facilitators' team. We worked with equal collaboration and contribution: we designed the content in peers, split the lead of different parts and sessions of the forum, delivered individually the sessions while supporting each other with the preparation and materials. We actively launched and attended our evaluation meetings by the end of every working day. By the end of the event, we wrote the report together in work meetings.

I worked on this training for 5 days as a full time trainer.

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